Friday, August 31, 2012

AUGUST FINALE.. (Finaly done with this hotter then shit month)

 This looks like fun.. The glider I mean..

 I guess he didn't have the shot after all...

This is the time of year for spider webs.. Except they have been bad pretty much all summer long..


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


 I saw this about St. Louis on one of the Colorado channels FB site and he said he worked there (the weather guy) and remembered it as being exactly this way..

 I can't imagine anyone using IE..  I mean I had to use it at the library, it's their browser of choice, but I never used it, even when I first started getting on the computer..
This is supposed to be a GIF file with motion.. It is a GIF file with no motion.. Use your imagination. A big cat and bear cub.. Hilarity ensues  no doubt..

 What's with the thought?? Worst babysitter??  Where did he get that idea from, I wish I would have thought of this but I only have to watch one.. loses something in that case...


Tuesday, August 28, 2012


 The man.. Everyman.. Wait there can't be two on this entry can there.. Oh wait, I'm getting this guy confused giving a shit.. This is in fact the Paul Ryan, THE Paul Ryan that will be part of the ticket that if they win will be making people remember the good old days of the Obama administration..  At least Obama appears to care for the middle class.. These G.O.P.  jokesters will change the face of America forever... There was a question asked on  Facebook site that said if you could ask any question of the Romney/Ryan ticket what would it be.. I asked "If you are elected and instill all the things you say you want, are you prepared to be the last president/vice president of the great experiment, the United States of America? Because it could very well happen"...   We are headed that way now..

 For the originally defined hero, Neil Armstrong ..  Walked on the moon and didn't insist on being "all that" after he got back..  He was a normal everyday guy..  Didn't walk on water.. Wasn't super man..  Wasn't a blowhard.. 

Going against the grain as it were (wink & a nod to DP)  Today I thought I'd put a quick tosser up there.. Tossed this video together kinda quickly but it is basically a promo (again as it were) for the wedding video that was completed yesterday..   I put  a few video clips together and added a cool little song to it and here it is.. The video to signal the video (proper) is done.*. 


(*P.S. I should explain on the video, that the quality here is beyond horrible if you want to watch it on a big screen.. I converted the video to the highest quality (1080p) and I think it looks pretty good.. This video was shrunk (converted) to such a small file to be able to upload to Blogger, and it looks horrible beyond the postage stamp it should be viewed in.. Hopefully the video will look fine on a bigger screen..  Hopefully..)