Sunday, September 29, 2013


RHINO ROCK BOX disc 6 No Thanks! the 70's Punk Rebellion entry two.. 

The set as it would have appeared had I gotten it.. Truth is I had about all the music from this set that I wanted in full length best ofs.. So why get this??  just to say I have it?.. Check it out.. here we go somemore..

Iggy Pop  Lust For Life   another example of having this song and not wanting to get the set because of it..

X Offender by Blondie.. Some record companies have to ruin everything.. I remember when they were trying to release this on the album, they had to change the title from Sex Offender to X .. Go figure.. There would be little troubles now..

This is The Modern world by The Jam..

See No Evil by Television.. This was a group I got into by reading a book, or having this reference book called Rock Bones.. It is a way to look up groups and see what someone thinks of their music.. I rarely did this before but at one point I was looking for groups to fill in the empty spaces in my music collection.. Television first album was rated very high and so I got it.. The second album wasn't as high but I got it anyway.. And I wished there was a site like i-tunes or amazon to actually listen to the songs before comiting to buying the whole album.. 

Dead boys with Sonic Reducer..  An MC5 cover?? 


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013


 Another translation needed cartoon.. Sorry about that..


Thursday, September 26, 2013


 Le haunting of house.. Coming soon Halloween...