Saturday, May 26, 2012


 First off a quick apology to those who saw yesterdays entry change three times within the first hour it was up.. There seemed to be  a glitch in the videos I originally wanted and the ones I got but I got that taken care of, and then here was the order some things were in, but again that was taken care of..   Secondly todays entry is kind of a hope entry.. What I mean by hope is that every time  I have dreams like the ones I am about to share they come true.. Which isn't a good thing most of the time.. I am writing about them in hopes they don't come true.. First dream; happened Wednesday night/morning and it involved mom.. I was upstairs in the landing and saw her walking out the back towards where we take the trash and she was carrying a bag of trash and as i watched her she fell.. There must be a subliminal thing in my mind that has a lot of my dreams go south anymore but ever since the dreams when dad was still alive I never thought they were connected.. But after a dream like those back then and the ones I have had more recently it's like they are connected to someone somehow..  Like I said writing about them more often than not alters what does actually happen.. Ever since her sinus surgery and me writing about those dreams, things didn't happen like the dreams showed, thankfully... The second dream; strangely enough it seems like I was again in the landing of the upstairs and this time I looked out the window and saw a completely different sight.. Two trees down across the fence in the neighbors yard.. Saw the roots and figured it was the tree in the center of the yard, and the other might have been the one in the corner of the yard.. Those trees are nice but scary just the same as the one in the center of the yard has been through a downdraft back when dad was still alive that kinda freaked us all out a little.. The fact that that tree stayed upright showed that it is quite tough, thankfully.. Hopefully we won't get nailed by a tornado for this event to happen..

Freda's facebook entry from yesterday, said something about waiting at the hospital for Tabitha to be discharged.. Yep, been there.. done that.. Although I will say that aside from when he had the tube put in his stomach that while one time we were going down to get him, mom called as we were going down and talked to him and found out that he wasn't going to be released so we turned around at the old tech turn on the freeway.. saved us a trip for nothing that day..     Anyway I made a comment about the waiting and then a few people said "but the doctors and such might be in another part of the hospital saving a life".. And I thought, if this was like our local hospital it might take all five of the medical staff to do that but in Denver I would hope they have more than five people who can do a decent job.. Maybe I'm wrong here, more than likely I am..

 Ian and his grandma redid their roof the other day.. They both climbed the ladders and took their tools and worked on the roof. I watched them do it.. They carried the ladders and unfolded them.. Ians seemed to be bigger but maybe they were the same.. They got up there, tore the old roofing materials off, got busy getting the new ones on.. Ian started walking around the roof and he walked next to me and wasn't watchin' and I told him he better be careful, you'll fall...  He got that grin on his face.. I could imagine too...
 Yes when we (I) was having trouble with the internet the other day it was a situation where the modem wasn't playing nice with the router.. I didn't know to unplug the router as well as the modem, but I do now.. You feel stupid when you think you have tried everything.. I knew about the modem being unplugged but didn't even think about the router for whatever the reason..
 We saw Jordan's (and Adams) house last week and as I said on an earlier entry, the pictures on the realtors site didn't do it justice.. The picture from the kitchen looking to the front door doesn't show the depth.. It looked like three steps and you're out the front door, when in fact three steps and you are just starting to make it to the front door.. Yeah, it's big that way.. (I kept thinking of Donalds old KBA days)..  They could have a bowling lane from their front door to the kitchen.. Nice wood floors..  Downstairs in what I think will be the media room, reminded me of the recording studio I was in once way back in another life..

CAT ATTITUDE or CATTITUDE as I  like to call it: in this case it is Skootr.. the little psyco cat.. We love her but she is over the top.. She can't seem to keep her business in the box (litter box) and has been the source that has seemed to nearly drive mom over the edge at times.. Not only was she wizzing over the edge but also dragged some of her logs.. I blamed her diet of millers recently but she was doing this for quite a while now.. So we got yet one more litter box, this time with a top on it to try to contain the screwiness that has been her.. When we got it home mom decided it seemed deep enough to contain the activity that seemed to leave the box attatched as well as make it really hard for her to get over the edge with her wizz.. Mom says it might be working although it seems she didn't use it initially in some sort of boycott protest.. We also got different litter for the box. So maybe she had a right to complain that way.. She might have used the outdoors to crap in, which I swear she only would use in an emergency before.. My feeling is she was afraid to go outside for fear of stinking up the outdoors..


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