Possibly the more interesting version of this years wall.. Taking a good number of videos from people around the stadium.. Part one.. THE WALL by Roger Waters
Part two of this version of The Wall..
How important is this concert really?? I mean there isn't any true live sequences between the audience and the band.. In fact there is no audience at all, so why would this be such a huge show to see then? Well if you've never seen it then you don't know the answer.. And if you have seen it and still have no idea why it is so great then .. move along...
The great Pink Floyd as Time.. What exactly or where is this from?? Could be a version worked on for the album, or for the live shows from then.. I think it is from the Eclipse box set, fan release.. Sounds very familiar to me.. Could be wrong though.. I don't have everything they have ever released.. Close but not every little thing, nobody does..
Imagine Richard Wright playing the full grand organ like this .. UFB so seriously cool..
Rare scary or trippy bit by the Floyd, I think around the Zabriski Point soundtrack when they were working on the next album that was never made.. The one where they tried to make musical sounds with household items.. That might have been the most ambitious album they ever did, but instead they ended up making Atom Heart Mother.. A masterpiece that everyone poo poos today as being utter rubbish but of which I feel was a needed step in their evolution towards making huge sellers..
A live version of Atom Heart Mother Suite done a year or more before they released it.. No choir was backing them..
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