Sunday, January 6, 2013


This is what I dreaded when I put this to be uploaded later instead of instantly after complete of the video.. I can't really remember what this one was about, but from what I can see it was a change of certain effects from one scene to another as it goes into the video.. What was done early on in the project changed as the videos were being done, and this was one of those where I was working on different effects.. Mostly the way Andromeda Dream does is evolve from what looks like one of those rocks that have inner workings..  the video evolves from the rock look to a sea shell look to the fractal that we trip through... to the end with the edge detect effect used  to all it's greatness.. Sit back and enjoy

 Probably the second most powerful track of the entire project, Breath of the Valley just has this incredible feel to it.. Another Zero beat song, this one from the Sunday Morning album.. Another kaliedoscope type of video...

Timelines had that feel from the start as to what the song would be that went with this video.. The original video from an album done about the same exact way..

Mystery Road has about the same feel of Stratos from the first infinity project entry last month.. The use of the fractal as a  continuous motion type of thing.. Some different effects used sparingly but I like to keep it simple.. Mystery Road with another zero beat song, a trip in it's own..

Atmospheres, another in a line of the kaliedoscope videos.. Why so many of these??  I know when I went through and looked at them when I was getting ready to put them on dvd (720p versions) that I noticed this was a lot of the effects and I think more than any other excuse I can give it this was a fairly relatively easy way to do the videos, or the songs.. To me the songs were more important than to have a visual medium.. This was just a way to get the songs up here more than anything but there were some true concept ideas as will be seen in the coming entries..  All of todays entries was Jonn Serrie composed songs, next month will see a Brian Eno song..  So there you have it.. The second set of videos from phase one of the Infinity Project..  Phase two has been started but has hit a bit of a slow down because of the nasty snot factory my nose has become, an extension to the completion of phase two for about a week..  That and a few extra ideas came to mind while gasping for air through the snot a few nights ago.. Another concept video as they seem to be more in line with concept this time and less fractal although that's not all together true either..  Anyway.. Hope you all likes these, a few more and then we're off to phase two entries..


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