Sunday, April 7, 2013


The first "Pixel Pirates" video (there will be two) is a continuation of phase one in all honesty.. The reason this was called Phase two is mostly because I started back up doing video ideas after a few months away from it.. This first video is a lot alike to the phase one in many ways but I thought I would upload it here because..  I guess I just thought it was a little more different, mostly the restart.. The return to form on the videos..

"Siberian Lights" is more of a concept video.. I used videos of trains in Europe, Russia and here as well as photos.. I had wanted to do a video for this song since phase one but felt this wasn't phase one worthy.  A few new ideas and the early onset of the cold was part of what made this video.. maybe somewhat less appealing, there were a few new ideas starting to pop into my mind about what I was wanting to try.. The darkside project has only recently been starting to be tried again.. But leaving ideas out, there was the continued narration of the darkside that I was wanting but now am rethinking .. This video just was a work towards that idea and made me feel like that idea was feasible.. Then after the final video was completed I had troubles with the program and all but gave up on doing any more videos...

"Outland" is the multiple video and quite hard to understand why the video doesn't mesh or jive very well.. To me, the cold I had was determining to many things and variables.. It is quite hard to make a video very easily when you are fighting a war with snot.. And so I think in the case of this video you can honestly say that the score was snot one,  me naught..

"San Rocco" was just another quick hit idea but lost my imagination some to the cold that I was fighting at the time.. In the following videos the mistakes are quite evident..

"Tutankhama" though is a return to form, and ideas that seemed to mesh quite well with the music changes and times and everything like that  hog wash..

"Yaraslaw Station".. This is a second song piggybacked on a video that was already done, but strangely slightly different.. Some is the same but a few different ideas here .. Which came first this song or Siberian Lights??  I couldn't tell you but they do share quite a bit in common, I liked both songs equally and felt the subject was what they would be (about railroads) so rather than change the video entirely I used the same video and added a bit here & there..

"Pixel Pirates (concept version)" this one is more to do with the pictures I took and manipulated, or pictures I took from sites and manipulated .. Both work in this instance.. Most are from the fotos phinished projex ..  Much misspelling is involved in my picture folders on and off the computer..

  And then the update happened and now it is easier than ever to do videos using Windows Movie Maker.. Graphics have changed, control over the music levels to video ratio..  A few things that might not seem important, but are making the idea of the darkside project possible.. Maybe..

As I am putting this entry together on March 4th I was thinking while phase three is well underway, I can't help but wonder which way it will move forward, it has been a few weeks since the last music video was done, and I like to have the relativity of the phase projects be done at about the  same time.. However I have committed to the phase three being the final of the infinity project, I'm not sure where to  go from here.. Phase three is a continuation of phase one with very little variation unlike phase two which had some concept ideas.. Another thing that happened during phase two was the trip videos, the videos presented on New Year day ..  Those four videos were done during the phase two snotfest.. The last video for phase two was done about two weeks before Christmas so that the holidays would have no influence on my videos.. In fact I stopped doing any music videos to prevent a holiday themed video from being done, not that I didn't want to do it that way, I just didn't think about doing a holiday video set until today.. Oh well maybe this December.. Maybe not.. This site is slated to stop entries on the 27th of December.. That is the last entry currently set to go..  Will that change.. Probably not.. But you never know, I wasn't going to go past the new year as it was, but here I em..

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