Sunday, May 5, 2013


ART OF VISION.. This was the final video of the Infinity Phase III video series.. Completed two weeks ago and was just one of the three final songs I wanted to run through.. Later I found a few more songs I wanted to do videos of but will work them into some other sort of video series somewhere..  Phase three only entry for here.. Because of the viewership of the videos here on Sunday, this will be the final video entry of the videos of this type here. The entire phase three video series as well as any other series will be loaded on the alternative blog site, and won't be here..  Starting next Sunday and going through at least the summer will be the Rhino Rock Box videos.. I will do videos of songs if I can't find a video on YouTube when I look for the songs on that series.. Anyway the video here for Art Of Vision; The video has at the end the stills I set (doctored) for the video site Infinite Improbability, and they are some pictures that I took from various trips and whatnot.. The final little bit where there is no music on the video is kind of the fade to nothing, the end of an era as it were.. The end of Phase three..

BACK STREET HERO.. This one features Jerome Froese on lead guitar.. I know this because of the videos I've seen (concert videos)..  It's hard to say this is a favorite song from the 220 Volt Live album but it is one of the songs I will program to listen to..  This one and... Hamlet

Hamlet features Edgar on lead guitar and again the reason is because of seeing him play from a live concert video..  This is called Hamlet (complete) and it was done for the video album I did for the 220 Volt Live album.. I wanted to do the full album in video form because this was the first full album I ever bought by Tangerine Dream.. The "complete" means there was a segue that I always thought of as being part of the song, but when I would want to listen to this song only it started some 55 seconds later.. This is the full version of the song the way I thought of it as being.. My vision audioly as it were (audioly not a word but you get my drift..)..

Melrose the final video from the Infinity video project phase three series.. Wait a minute, didn't we already have the final video be Art of Vision??  Yes.. Yes it was designated the final video, and so why is Melrose in the mix as the final video??  Because it was.. These two were the final two of three songs that I wanted to have videos for in this series..

Where's the Walrus.. The edited version of the song.. I wanted this here for ..  Why??  Not sure but here it is for you.. By the Alan Parsons Project.. The song was edited down from the nearly seven minute version..

Homeless.. The final video for the Phase three entry.. This is the final song from the first set of the 220 Volt Live disc.. Why they split the show up is beyond me, they by this time weren't releasing any of their albums on vinyl anymore, so the limitations that  media was no longer existed.. Or maybe they wanted it that way just in case... Anyway this is the final video of this series here and the final video of this kind I will upload here.. From now on, or I should say from three weeks ago on they will be on the blog site Infinite Improbability..


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