Sunday, May 4, 2014

SUNDAY SUNday Sunday sunday.. ROCK DAY!!

An interesting set of boots I found recently and interesting is only really that.. To me interesting in that the sound has a bit of a demo sound to it but more of a doctoring of the music either by primitive means or programs that eliminate vocals (those would be my favorite)..

Unmixed versions of full KISS albums.. These sound interesting as here with the song Room Service sounds digitally enhanced

Because of the sound being cleaner on this son, is why I say that it was more than likely done on a computer with a program that can take vocals out..  This is of course the first song on the album Room Service..

The same can't be said for this one.. Get Away sounds like a lot of tape hiss was there.. Very strong in that department.. Or possibly the use of a turntable and unhooking one of the wires from the stylus I used to do that back in the day.. For fun, I suppose and you know it was interesting to figure things like that out.

Same as with Get Away is here with Anything For My Baby.. These three songs were chosen for their sound, the third track here has the least of the vocal kill program of any of the songs.. I also thought about the karaoke, but this is way to noisy to be that.. Just an interesting set.. There were several more but I only got Dressed To Kill mostly because it is one of my more favorite albums from the pre Alive! KISS..


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