Thursday, December 15, 2016

My Thad Chiz Wick

Alright.. An explanation about the blog in subject... I was thinking seriously about trying to make money from that blog.. Seriously thinking about it because currently I get an average of just under three hundred views a day on that blog... And have thought if it gets to a constant three hundred per day I would look into getting paid for it.. BUT...   As with everything that starts to be a paid project like that I would likely have shit the bed or even had been less interesting because of restrictions that I would have to adhere to.. Not my idea of a good move, so for now and forever that site will remain free unless Google asks me to take money from them..  Yea, like that would ever happen..  So enjoy it forever free...  

(P.S.  So in case someone was wondering "Well what does this site here get.. How many views per day does this blog here (PNOP) get... well the number here is  average at about 17 per day...   My Thad started at the same number but at election time was getting 30 and 40 and continuing to inch up fairly quickly... Every week from that point forward it has doubled every week...  And here is the kicker.. Had Trump lost  the election, that blog was going to die with it.. But now it has new life, a new anti Trump direction, I mean more of a purpose...   Who reads it the most... The French people.. And Russia strangely enough... And very few Americans.. Likely because they are jaded Americans don't read my blog...)

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