Final entry for 2011??? (A RETROSPECTIVE TYPE OF THING) This year started where last year ended, but don't they all?? But what I mean is the in October of 2010 Lucy went to Poland with Ian to get her immigration status squared up, and she was still there as this year began. As we started the new year we still weren't half way through them being gone.. It's hard to imagine them being gone for that long, and right now that seems impossible of such a thing to have to endure with mom in her current condition, more about that later.. When mom asked Donald when he was planning to go over there and see them he stated he wasn't planning to go at all.. However in February he changed his mind and went over the first of April. Her status got cleared up on Valentines day of all days, she would be home in April, there would be no shortening of her stay.. When that earthquake hit in Japan in March I thought just let them get home then the world could end.. They got back home late April and soon after everything returned to normal.. Everything was normal until September 25.......................:
SEPTEMBER 25: That day was a Friday and I took mom to work and went over and watched Ian as usual.. The plan was to go out to Mc.D's and pick up mom, the boo and I, and that is exactly what we did, nothing out of the ordinary there.. However this was a Friday and being Friday mom is usually the most worn out of the entire work schedule.. She started doing four days a week when asked to try it and I think she was torn between telling him she tried and wanted to go back to the three day week but was of the frame of mind that she developed when she was there before of the place just doesn't run right without her.. So she comes out and hops in the car and we go get ice cream because Ian really likes that.. We get ice cream then start to take him home and he needs to go to the store and we head to the store and get a few things.. Then we head to Ian's house and mom decides to go in for a bit.. We stay there for maybe a half an hour and when we leave she nearly falls on the front porch as we are leaving.. I catch her and assure her she won't fall.. Half an hour later at home I wasn't there to catch her this time...
I'd gone into the bathroom and heard this incredible crashing sound and scream coupled with it.. I swear that sound remains audible to this day three plus months later.. I freak out (controlled freak out) as mom was laying in the dining room gasping to breathe.. I help her up eventually and determine that going to the ER isn't what she wanted to do.. I will do only what she wants, I've tried to suggest ideas before but not been in the best light so we don't go to the ER but end up going on that Monday after both brothers say it's a good idea.. I thought it was a good idea Friday but mom acted like she wasn't that bad off.. She has a tendency to do this with me and this wasn't the first time and more than likely won't be the last..
November brought the Thanksgiving holiday and it wasn't much fun for mom, she was in pain with her back.. The PT thought it might be a compression fracture, the chiroprator didn't think so and now after just over three months we are where we were.. Seems like we went through this with her balance issue.. After seeing half a dozen specialists we finally got the definitive of her balance which is she will never get better.. He ribs might heal eventually but I think as I have for the past nearly two months and that is she has nerve damage there.. But I'm just the stooge idiot so nobody listens to me..
CHRISTMAS: The final stop on the year that was.. In lat July or early August Tabitha returned to Nebraska after her year plus long stay in the Nashville Tenn. area.. Hoping her "wanderlust" has been filled.. I envied her for trying to leave this area, it was something I would have loved to try back when I was a drummer... So Christmas, the season of the ... Well not my favorite as I've written elsewhere.. We went to Cheyenne twice and Scottsbluff twice as well then Sterling twice and finally east to the unknown Ogalalla for the off chance a smaller market and stored therein would yield an idea.. That was a big BINGO as I found almost everything there. The one thing I dislike about the holiday is the "never enough" feeling when looking for gifts and the need to fulfill that feeling of am I giving enough?? I thought last year that I should look for things through the year to give as gifts to mom but them didn't remember to.. I ended up getting her a christmas cactus and a red bird light type of thing.. Last year I got her word puzzles and thought of this the day before Christmas.. We were to have an extended family type of get together this year with Jordan being engaged to be married to a guy with three kids.. So there was an attempt to get the whole family in the dining room table but try as we might we couldn't see that happening and having everyone able to be comfortable that way..
I did write what happened Christmas day elsewhere, and a deeper look at it has yielded no new insight.. I do remember helping mom get the food to the dining room table and then getting my plate starting to get food on it.. I then got ready to sit down to eat and my chair was gone.. I thought there were enough in the two rooms but guessed I was wrong when I went to retrieve a chair in the dining room they told me it was needed, so I grabbed the stool to sit on.. Then saw there was chair not being used on the table there and just moved it.. In the meantime I have no clue what happened with my older brother but he ended up outside and his wife going out and coming back in and then mom going out.. I heard some yelling but didn't get the gist, I WAS HUNGRY.. So I ate..
So even now a fortnight later I still have no clue what happened but the next day and then today mom has made the comment that there won't be another family get together anytime soon.. Cryptic is a good way to describe that statement... I'm the family idiot, I admit that.. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT.. And this just proved my point.. I don't know what went on that day.. I have no clue... But as I write this, it seems a fitting end to a year that has seen the family torn apart by miles and now seems to be torn apart by my stupidity...
WHAT'S 2012 GONNA HAVE IN STORE??: Well for starters, mom wants to get back to work and that might happen, I just hope she can get to where she had the confidence she had before she fell.. Tabitha has a boyfriend... Jordan is engaged to get hitched in August.. Donald threatening to leave the job he has because of the mounting incompotence there.. Lucy working at the book store not sure if she will go back to do upkeep of the memorial gardens or not.. Ian got a drum set for Christmas.. Thus begins the long road to being a drummer... FUN.. I am moms keeper sort of.. As much as I am allowed.. And Bob and Freda chug along on their new railroad line, called empty nest for sure this time...
I'm kinda choosing not to revisit the story of the "dad saga" of six years ago.. it'snot that I don't really want to, it's that I doubt there would be anything gained from it.. what I think I will do is try to outline it.. such as although the "saga" didn't start on the Wednesday, that is when I started it from, because we went to the dialysis center in Fort Collins that day.. I recently remembered when we first went down there for dad to start to learn how to do that.. the tech nurse there showed us the "what to do in an emergency" thing, which was to say what happens if he had a bad exchange or something in that realm.. I never in a million years would have thought that dad would have a bad one... this past Wednesday was the same day date wise as that year.. the day my sister in law and nephew headed for Poland (her mother land) was the same exact day that we went to Fort Collins and although it didn't start that day, it was the prelog of what would start everything out..
That Thursday was odd as well, just like yesterday I was wondering if I should mow or do the amouir project, moms clothes holder thing.. I chose the latter and found that was the right choice.. there wasn't any directions in the box so mom had to have them faxed to the local bank and got them that way.. meanwhile dad had gone to the doctor for what I think was a shot to prevent either the flu or pnemonia.. at any rate mom thought it was too much because he had gotten a shot at the center in Fort Collins the day before.. was this a factor in what was to happen later that afternoon??
Dad got home around three or so, and he was plugged up, constipation was a constant battle with him in the last four or five years of his life.. had I known he was having that much of a problem I might have suggested he drink some sort of booze concoction or some beer at the very least.. anytime I drank anything things in that area always seemed to loosen up.. but he watched his water intake in the last 18 months of his life because of the dialysis.
Peritoneal dialysis, where he put a fluid into his abdominal cavity and it worked like a kidney does.. dad was straining to have a bowel movement and that might have been the cause of the infection he acquired.. things about those early moments: I was up listening to some music and would learn of his situation around eight thirty or there abouts.. they wanted me to take the solution in to be tested at the hospital in Sidney.. part of me wanted to try to load dad up and take him as well but I wasn't sure what to do so I took the solution in to be tested.. was it ever tested that night, or the next day?? more than likely no.. we never got any news from it, and really weren't too surprised either.. or I wasn't anyway... the weather that night was sort of foggy, not really bad but later on when they checked on flight for life for him they couldn't do that because of a really low ceiling.. after I got home mom wanted to set up the next bag with the medicine they showed us how to do way back when.. mom called that nurse and she walked us through doing it, dad got that in his abdomen and then got ready for bed.. he was to sleep in the chair he was in after I scooted him to the bed in the other room, the scratch mark from that manuver is still visible to this day, although under carpet mom had installed.. I would take some meletonin to try to help me to get some sleep, which as it turns out was a mistake because half an hour later I was on the phone calling for an ambulance to come pick up my dad..
Friday, the equivelant to today the weather was almost identical to today.. it was overcast but I don't remember that it rained at all.. we left here after getting home after they took dad in the ambulance.. we would take the van.. and Freda would drive it, both Tabitha and Jordan would go.. Bob would race home and then on to Fort Collins in mom & dads Buick that would fry the transmission just outside of Pine Bluffs.. what an adventure for him, here he is trying to get to the hospital where he isn't totally sure how his dad is and now he is stuck along side the road, a half an hours drive away.. ..
After Bob got a hold of Freda (back then no one had a cell phone in the family) they went off and picked him up at a truck stop in Cheyenne.. also having to take Tabitha and Jordan back to Kimball for a wedding rehearsal, they would return a couple hours later.. we got to see dad such as it was.. the doctor would talk to mom that day and then again the following Sunday by phone, and then again the following Sunday for the final time.. I couldn't pick the guy out of a police lineup because I don't remember what he looked like, I saw him talking to mom that Friday but wasn't sure he was the doctor or a doctor.. as in the ER doctor.. we left Friday night hoping the phone wouldn't have a message to call the hospital when we got home.. and from that day to even now when the phone rings it makes me jump...
Saturday was an odd day in that when we got to the hospital dad had been moved up to his own room.. all I could think was that he had a serious scare and that he would be alright.. one thing dad told us that haunts me to this day is that they told him he had a heart episode (mild heart attack) and so we told him it was an infection, see the tube coming out of your nose pulling infectious goo out.. I was relieved as we left the hospital.. dad dodged a bullet.. we got home and I think I felt like everything would return to normal by the first of November.. how wrong I was about to be proven...
Sunday saw Donald and Lucy go to see dad and me and mom stay here.. thy would take his slippers and a few other things per his requesting.. I kind of regret not going with them, seeing how things were about to change.. Donald got home that night and called us and told us dad was going to have some procedure the next morning for his heart.. I instantly thought "well he really must be doing better if they are going to do that" figuring they wouldn't do any extra curricular anything while dad was recovering from the infection.. would they put undue strain on him like that??
Monday: SURES THE FUCK THEY DID!! We got down there by late afternoon, I think the we was us three brothers and mom, we went to the ICU where they had dad trying to recover from an unneeded and unwarranted heart procedure (either a stent or something in that realm).. he would never recover fully from that and to this day I still contend that this is what killed him.. the infection and then this procedure which the doctors saw as life threatening if he didn't have.. truth is the procedure was life threatening due to the fact that he wasn't fully recovered from the infection.. dare to dream that the doctors might have talked to each other prior to this.. we would spend the rest of that day trying to coax dad into the reality of being awake.. mom trying to have him identify each of us.. I'm not sure he ever recognized me from that day on..
Tuesday: Lump the next few days together, they are all quite foggy, I can't say I remember anything in particular about them.. dad would be wheeled back to a room upstairs leading us to believe he was getting better.. I remember going down with Bob to see him and not thinking he knew who either one of us was, and esspecially me.. I didn't feel bad for not being recognized, it's just the way it was.. I figured the cob webs would eventually clear out.. as it turns out they never completely did.. the pastor from the church was there and did a prayer with dad... then we would leave.. dad was in constant motion trying to constantly get at the tubes stuck in him at different points.. they had a nurse watching him constantly...
Wednesday: Same as Tuesday, I think that day me and mom and Donald would go but he was moved to do an MRI or some test like that.. mom was worried that he might be left in the hall where he might be chilly so I went to the MRI test area and checked and he wasn't there.. they were moving him back to his room..
The thing I remember most about the trips this week and a few the next week was the weather, or more to the point the wind.. trucks in the median on their side.. oooh what fun..
Thursday: Drawing a blank, and for that matter the previous two days events might have happened the following week.. I can't remember those days in particular..
Friday we went down, I'm sure me and mom went down... when we stopped at walmart on our way back Tabitha told me she wanted to go the next day.. so mom went with her and I stayed home.. mom says she asked dad who this girl was and he replied "Taba D." his nickname for Tabitha... mom told me that and I thought maybe he would recognize me the next day..
Sunday : Halloween, and overcast miserable day and we get there and the cob webs are still as bad as they were that Monday.. all hops dashed for now.. we would get home and mom was on a mission, she needed to find dads life insurance papers and make sure they were current.. come to find out they were on the verge of lapsing.. that was a close call...
Monday: a snow day, the weather was too horrible to go.. actually it wasn't too horrible but by noon when it stopped snowing we figured we might as well wait..
Tuesday: we left and stopped by and got a cell phone, now we would be set for the drive down in case of emergency..
Wednesday: another blank day for me except that I think by now they moved him back down to ICU in the corner room where the dialysis machine would fit and that is where he would be for the next and last five days of his life.. he would be on the dialysis machine almost constantly... that day the infections doctor would talk to us and I think Bob was there with me and mom.. it all gets blurry as to who was there and when.. I have no clue.. I was in a daze, I can be honest, I left the reality of what was going on in that hospital and climbed into my brain and my alternate reality.. the reality where my stories come from.. I was in the middle of one at that time..
Thursday: there was a day in there when they took him into the OR and removed the tube in his abdomen and there was a fear that they would put him under and he would have to return from there once again as if he really ever came out from that Monday before..
Friday: PAGING A DOCTOR.. I do wish we would have insisted on see a doctor while we were there.. lesson learned from this experience has gotten me to check on the dip shit field of doctors when mom had her sinus surgery and aftermath of treatments.. mom may not have liked it but I swore after the docs fucked up my dads treatment that I would keep an eye on the doctors with mom and keep them accountable or at least try to.. they have such a way about making it seam like they know and they are doctors and they are smarter than you.. that Friday was just another day.. I would meet people on the street at the hometown and they would ask how dad was and I'd say I thought he was doing fine.. this happened over the entire of the time he was in the hospital and each time he was in the hospital and every time I would tell people the same thing.. truth is I would know what they knew.. a stranger calls the hospital and try to get information about my dad any of the times and hospitals he was in and they would tell you they couldn't tell you, and THAT'S WHAT WE KNEW!!
Saturday the sixth of November was kinda the day.. when I got up mom told me she thought maybe we would take this day off from going down there.. in her defense I could understand not wanting to go because seeing dad the same way everyday was getting tough to do.. but I felt like as long as he was alive I wanted to see him and offer him hope and hope that he understands we are pulling for him and wanting him to recover.. I remember mom calling everyone and asking if they wanted to go and everyone saying yes.. we took the van.. we got there late morning and as we were exiting the van the cell phone rang.. mom fumbled with the phone but couldn't get it to work, and it was hung up.. then Freda's phone rang, it was the hospital.. what luck dad was getting better?? no, in fact they were calling to tell us dad was refusing to go on the ventalator.. he had been on it a few years earlier with the pnemonia that started this whole thing and wasn't liking that experience at all.. mom told them we were just in the parking lot and would be in momentarily...