I was thinking how great the cat we have now is.. We have had cats in the past.. Back when I was still in school we got our first ever siamese kitty, mostly because my older brother had a friend that had one and thought that was seriously cool, so he convinced mom & dad to get us one.. Her name was Samantha and she was quite the character.. After that we had Spike & China.. We got those two from someone who needed to get rid of them.. China only lasted for a short while, we think she ran off.. Anyway we didn't see her again.. Spike was justly named, she would chase dogs out of the yard.. It was nice having a cat that was doglike.. Then came a cat that defied naming.. She had no name, and was stuck just being called "little kitty".. and she was a little kitty, she was a runt but grew up nicely into one of the strangest cats we would ever have.. She was afraid of heights.. Strange how this was found out about.. We had a garage and I put all the cats up there to explore and every cat would look around and then come back to me and I would get them off the roof.. That little kitty I put on the roof there and she hunkered down, and looked scared.. Poor little kitten, and any time after that I put her on top of a high place she acted the same way through her entire life.. She would walk with her claws out constantly, getting hooked on carpet and rugs around the house.. We got my older brothers cat as well because his youngest daughter was allergic to him.. After those two cats passed we didn't have a cat for the longest time..
Three years after my dad passed away there were these two kitties that were playing around and came into the yard.. I don't remember what the other looked like but one was black.. A pretty black little kitten that was on the verge of stealing our hearts when they were picked up by someone, never to be seen again.. The next summer again, a little kitten that was a stripped little ball of fluff, was about in the same place originally across the ally and just meowing up a storm.. LOUD assed kitty.. Came over while I was messing with the garden.. I tried to shoe it away but this creature was having none of it.. So within a week mom was feeding this poor thing.. Ball of fluff, mom let her in the house and soon we assumed her as ours.. We hadn't had a stray cat since I was in grade school, and now we had this thing.. What to call her.. I started calling her "Fuzzass" because she was quite a fuzzy assed little kit.. Somewhere along the line she got the name Scooter.. I changed the name to Skootr because she was just a little different.. I call her a great number of names from Skittleyboo to bug.. Skitteley Boo was the first name after Fuzzass, because it was different.. I wanted to call the little kitty Snickers for the same reason as skitteleyboo for this kitten.. She has more personality than any cat we have ever had. A lot of fun, built into a furry creature.. Aggrivation as well... But she has been golden.. Perfect for us.. Perfect situation ...
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