Thursday, July 26, 2012


 I thought the more musically inclined people out there would understand this one.. It would sound like the same two notes being nearly similar..  And that is all there would be.. Fitting with the weather of "sunny & hot today  and  hot and sunny tomorrow"...

 The money machine that is the Gene Simmons KISS merchandise.. And they wonder why they can't crack the rock & roll hall of fame.. I think I see the reason now..

“including as many americans as possible in our electoral process is the spirit of our country. it is why we have expanded rights to women and minorities but never legislated them away, and why we have lowered the voting age but never raised it. cynical efforts at voter suppression are driven by an un-american desire to exclude as many people and silence as many voices as possible.”

voter suppression is as close as you get in democratic politics to mortal sin. and it’s going to be one of the prime features of the 2012 election. it is shameful, cynical and frankly disgusting.
get ready for michele bachmann to denounce the former republican governor of florida as some
sort of whack-a-doodle kenyan loving muslim brotherhood joining socialistic pinko commie.

This entry for the 26th was put together on the 21st.. Yesterday was Aurora massacre day and TRD gave birth to her twins..


(P.S.  This Sundays music entry; I just got done with the fourth video for that entry.. Started  working on the entry Saturday and just did finish it and set it to be there at about two or so in the a.m. so.. Get up early and check it out.. These are the best videos I've done, I think and I'm pretty proud of them.. They almost all of them were exactly the way I wanted them to turn out..  Four videos made from scratch.. Really, and truth be told all but the last one were done late at night, like around midnight.. Couldn't sleep in the heat so.. There you go, anyway enjoy the madness...)

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