Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Don't you wish they had this warning on all rolls of TP?
The script says...   e..  p.. ummm  Well I'm sure it is important..
I rarely go to page two.. if you have to look beyond page one check the wording on the entry box.. There are ways to ensure you get the answer you are looking for, I have the "Everything Google" instruction book..

This looks like something a doctor would say.. Or a McDonald's manager...

So Sunday I am listening to the scanner radio and hear a call come over that they are checking someone, a traffic stop type of thing.. And they read off the persons car tag and they come back on response the persons drivers license was expired in 9-11-10 and it caught my attention only for a short time as I was thinking that might be Lucy.. But the numbers were wrong, her date of birth isn't the eleventh of September, it is later in the month.. But this is what I keep expecting to hear, because the "cone zone" out on the hill, they are patrolling that area regularly. Or I should say it looks like they are patrolling that area regularly.. And her license would be three or will be three years expired and not just two, not that it matters if it is two years or three.. Keep waiting to hear that she got busted , but maybe she got her license renewed.. Without us knowing.. ..  Hope she did, that would be a pleasant surprise..

So how does one stay cool in this crappy assed hot shit weather??  I came up with an inventive way to stay cool.. Those ice packs you put in the cooler to keep things cooled down, I take two and put them in my shorts..  Not my shorts, my back pockets of my jeans.. Keeps me right cool..  At least my brains is cooled off...

When it rained it poodled so why water today??  I didn't, I think we got a quarter inch of rain, it made puddles so I figure we got enough to give the sprinklers a rest.. Looks like M.O.T.S.  here as I am writing this but... Who knows.. But after it rained I turned on the big fan in my window and it pulled in some cooler air for about an hour, then it started feeling hot again.. It's like I tell mom, people in Arizona adapt to the heat and I think we do too.. It is supposed to cool off in about ten days (?)  and if it gets only as warm as they say it will that will seem chilly to me.. Might freeze mom out..  She is always cold but in these hotter than shit days she seems to be hot as well...   


(P.S. Wait was it 2010 when Lucy's birthday was and set her into having to go to Poland and shit or was that 2009.. I get confused, anyway whatever it was two or three years it is still the same shit story)

(P.P.S.  On the other site; The I redid the video and so the reason it was off (that entry) was because I started to upload the video at about quarter after eleven last night and by nearly twelve it was STILL UPLOADING..  So rather than waiting to see the end result, a sure disappointment of failure to upload message, I left it to upload and went to bed so I figured the message would show when I got up.. I was originally going to delete the youtube version of the video but left it so there is a slight comparison.. The videos are different slightly, the music is the same....  enjoy I guess..)

Would the mouse eat his own tail??  Maybe..

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