Monday, March 12, 2012


It sounds like he is coming.. Peyton Manning, AKA the home wrecker for one Tim Tebow..  Not that Denver would have ever been his home.. I thought it might but now weather Peyton comes or not the higher ups in the Bronco's organization have sent a message to Tebow, They really don't want to try to make it work with him.. If Manning comes will they trade Tebow right of way?? Most everyone says they will trade him and if a trade can't be worked out will they go into camp with him as a quarterback or as a utility player.. I think if a trade couldn't happen (ie nobody wants to trade for him) then he might stay and try to fight for his job.. Maybe..

Today the local radio station has something called "swap shop" where people try to sell/buy stuff on the air and they had some "music" playing before one of the segments and, I quote the music because it really doesn't qualify for me and mom, and she comes to me and says what do they call that shit that they are playing??  And I say it is what is hot here in America.. Not even close to what I like.. Shortly after the radio program goes off mom switches to the satellite radio and puts it on the fifties channel. What a change that is, and so much more easier to listen to.. That crap like what Lucy likes to listen to is ten to around twenty minutes per song.. The music mom was listening to the songs are close to three minutes maximum..  You get on the idea and get off and move on.. There's a reason the songs were shorter back then.. They wanted more songs because there wasn't much of it then that devil may care Rock and Roll...

Someone made mention they thought Ian was stuttering worse a couple weeks ago at his birthday party and they wondered why.. Good question.. Truth is this past Friday his stuttering wasn't as bad and that seems to be the case.. Tuesday he seems to be at his worst, then by Friday he isn't very bad at all.. What is the reason for this??  Why does it seem like he gets better by Friday and reverts back by Tuesday??  We have a theory, mostly we think it has to do with the fact that his mom and dad are there and don't pay very close attention to him.. And they play their idea of music LOUD!!  I don't have a problem with loud music, but I wouldn't have him listen to that crap.. It's not even rock music.. and even if it was it's not worth losing your hearing before he goes to grade school... My opinion..

When Lucy first started going with Donald I didn't think too much of it.. We got along because she had some taste in music that crossed into mine..  She was quite cool to talk to about things but just before she had Ian she was changing, starting to be more American (she's Polish) and certain things that I liked about her have disappeared, not just less evident but actually totally gone...  More American in that some things are more important and the one thing that blows us away is her change in fashion.. She is still heavier but now seems to be dressing with the idea that she isn't that way.. She came up to pick up Ian here and mom asks me after she left if I noticed her shoes and I said I didn't even care.. Turns out she was wearing those high heels she has gotten into.. I says you don't think she wore those to work and mom says no way, they would have been a long day of it.. We decided she changed her shoes to come and get the boo.. Why do that??  And by the way she was rather late Friday (she couldn't call before she left to pick him up??  She has trouble with that kind of technology even though she can work all sorts of other gadgets??)  and I'm thinking did she finally push her luck and get caught without a drivers license..  Or worse got in an accident..    Freda says Lucy told her that Tabitha needs to grow up.. This coming from someone who still hasn't gotten her drivers license (so far as we know).. She hadn't gotten it by October and more than likely still hasn't gotten it yet.. They must not think anything will happen.. Maybe Donald doesn't know, maybe she has gotten it.. If not then things could get really interesting if anything ever happens.. It will be three years this October since he license has expired...  Three years.. I got nervous when I had three weeks left to get mine renewed. Thought I was pushing my luck, afraid my vision wasn't good enough to pass the vision test...   I hope nothing happens but with Lucy liking to wear those kind of shoes, she is pushing her luck I'm thinking...  But "Everything will be alright"...


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