I can't help but think Ian might not like it when I say that phrase "you can if you try".. He is so quick to give up or say he can't and we try to show him how to pump himself on the swings there at the park.. I told him I could do that when I was his age.. Same as the trike.. We rode trikes all over the block where we lived.. We drove trucks, trains, horses.. They were everything that we imagined they were..
Ian seems so out of place at the park.. He wants to play with the other kids but seems almost afraid of them, and just seems so out of place for a kid to be afraid of other kids his age.. When the day comes that he doesn't want to go to the park.. That will be the day they should worry, especially if he feels fine..
I read today an entry on Bob's facebook that his wife Freda had a procedure done on her hip or something anyway there was no knowledge of it by us and that is fine I just hope mom doesn't think anything about it, like they were keeping some deep dark secret.. It was something minor I'm sure.. There was no prayer circle type of thing called for by her followers or friends or whatever they are called on Facebook.. I read that little blurb thing there and thought I hope mom doesn't view this as anything more than just life continuing on... The fact that it was done almost three years to the day that moms was done.. at the same city, not sure if it was the hospital or what and it really doesn't matter.. Everybody has things done like that.. No biggie (I mean I figure it was a big deal to her but..) ...
Proof that nobody really looks at my youtube without Facebooks nudge was proven last week after putting the wedding rehearsal for Donald and Lucy on my site.. I think I even put the link on my facebook and they neither one watched or indicated to me that they watched it.. Proof that they really don't give a shit.. I though she would at least indicate the link to her brothers but nobody has watched them yet.. Lucy is too busy with her ??? ??? ??? And Donald is also too busy.. He has school online and other things.. Whatever they might be.. They are so busy... Oh well I'm sure they are that busy... They have a daughter about to give birth to twins this summer?? No wait that's not them... They have a daughter getting ready to get married this summer?? No not them either.. Well I'm sure they are THAT busy anyway...
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