There's a feeling that Bob & Freda continue the practice of keeping mom out of the loop, keep her out of contact with how Tabitha is doing.. She was here over the weekend and when mom wanted to know how she was she called Bob at work knowing Tabitha might be trying to rest and didn't want to bother her.. The idea that they are continuing with this idea bothers me but not nearly as much as it bothers mom.. Why would they do this?? Well because they were in such good practice from before, why stop now.. Mom is definitely afraid to call to check on Tabitha for a couple of reasons.. Mostly she wants to know that she is alright and doesn't want to interfere with anything.. It seems like having the best interest of someone isn't good enough and never was.. I know mom worries, I think it is right to feel that way.. She wants only to know how Tabitha is doing and would do anything to help her out.. But feels like she is viewed as interfering in some odd assed way... I don't get it... To me it was family, but I guess it was never viewed as family but more like meddling...
I had the Tuesday off from watching the li'l guy, and after we went and saw Tabitha we went out to Walmart and who should we run into out there but.... You guessed it, there was Ian out shopping with his dad.. And mom saw them as I was checking the price of something.. I heard her saying something to someone and I came around the corner and there they were.. Ian was wanting everything or so said his dad, and I said Naw that doesn't sound like Ian... and then I pointed at something on the shelf and said "how we get this?" and he picks it up and puts it in the shopping cart (theirs) and Donald picks it up and says your birthday is coming up pretty quick.. He wasn't very happy and I'm sure Donald wasn't very happy with my little prank there.. I thought after Donald picked Ian up at preschool that he would say we go get grandma at his works.. and maybe pester Donald a little bit, but he said that didn't happen.. But somehow I think it might have a litle because Ian is a creature of habit already in his young life..
Mom feels better after Sunday night talking to one of her brothers (Bob) and then turn around last night and talked to her other (Paul)... and really I think that always makes her feel better to hear from them.. Neen is the uncle who never seems flustered.. Always laid back and just as happy to say hi as he would be to tell somebody to fuck-off but never raise his voice in doing so... I've never seen him pissed off like that.. I'm sure he has been but I've never seen it.. And then there is Ben... The never called or heard from brother and he is hard to nail down.. They came out here the summer before my dad passed away and he lives a strait shot down the pike from us.. Came here the one time... Of course I've never been to his house (not sure why I didn't go when everyone else did).. But I did see him at the place he was in at a couple ranger posts there in Utah.. I guess that is family...
It was nice to hear of the plans one of them has.. Really should be cool to see them in person.. Hope it comes to pass...