Friday, March 9, 2012


I got the videos uploaded to my youtube site.. The reason the videos of us playing croquet are so short is because what I was actually after were the clips I put on there.. I edited it down to just as short mostly because of the upload time on longer videos.. It takes an hour per every five minutes of video and so the ultimate idea was to upload Wednesday night but the computer had other plans as it went into sleep mode shortly after starting the upload.. And by shortly I mean 1% finished, so when I got up and the computer was in sleep mode I thought it was done, not knowing the instructions were to run all night..  I'm not sure why it didn't do what I wanted it to do but, yesterday while we were gone I left it to try again and opened a program I thought would keep running and thus keeping the computer going.. And it worked..  The video of Jordan bopping Donald in the .. Area is classic...  The vid of Jordans temper was a must and the push the buttons one as well..  I might put the entire video up and try others, I definitely want to get one with dad in it but since I did the camera most of the time I didn't get dad very much.. I don't know why, but when Jordan and Tabitha were here and there were family functions I made a stronger effort to get them.. And now looking back I wished I had gotten more of dad but.... 

The start of this month (March) is always interesting with two family members having birthdays right almost back to back.. I have always had troubles with March, it is the month that bums me out the most, gives me the blues as it were..  I don't know why.. I guess it is the promise of warmer weather coupled with the fact that it is more winter than anything else...  We had the first two days this week in the seventies followed by a day where the previous days low was the high for the day, almost anyway..

Today I watched the nephew and things started out quite good and so from there I figured they would go downhill but as I am figuring on him turning into the holy terror, he doesn't.. In fact he seems to be the opposite of yesterday, very easy to be around.. When we get ready to go to grandmas house today, as with every day, he starts in about an hour before I want to leave and today was no different.. When I am ready to go and he says we go to grandmas house and I say well you know what you need first and he says a coat.. And I say you are planning to go barefoot then???  Oh yeah, shoes.. I have this thing where I go to put on his shoes and start where they obviously don't go, like his hands, or his elbows.. Today I try to put his left shoe on his right foot... That won't work??  Then I get it right.. We get into the car and I start it up and we set there and I say so where were we going??  GRANDMAS!!  Ok, just checkin' I have a short memory.. We get down the road a piece and again I say are we going the right way??  He looks confused and then says no.. I say is this even the right road, are we lost??  He looks more confused then I tell him maybe we just stay on this road and see where it takes us...  Turns out it took us to the right place.. (WHEW).. I have to wonder if he thinks I'm an idiot...  Not too bright..

He tried to fly a kite today.. We have flown kites every Easter, or try to fly kites every Easter, for as long as I can remember.. I can vaguely remember mom & dad flying an old Cawleys kite. Looked like a potato chip bag and I thought it was.. Dad put a tail on it and we went flying it up at the bins.. In more recent years we got wind scoops that could fly in nearly no wind, and then there were the stunt kites..  Ian tried to fly a kite here in the backyard and was just laughing and tee heeing and  just really liking it.. Must be in the blood..

Aurora browser updated Wednesday and I didn't think it performed as well as it had been.. Then today it updated again.. I got developers questioner and filled it out. It had to do with plug ins, did all the plug ins continue working with the update and my answer was sometimes and I wasn't too bothered because they would start working more often than not within a few weeks if even that long..


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