This is posting number 100.... !!!! .... And what that means is.. This posting I'm doing not only drunk but also NAKED... Just joking.. I looked at the very first entry earlier and it said I didn't know what this site would be about or how important it would be, and while it took three years to finally hit the hundred postings mark, it was a quick three years.. From the beginning I posted a lot of stuff, took most of that down and or moved it to my Myspace site and traded out some entries went there some there went here... Tried to use this as a way to work out my frustration with certain issues pertaining to family squabbles and ultimately abandoning that idea because it just seems like the last place to do that.. However stupid it was to use this as that type of thing because it is a public site, weather it is viewed by two people or a hundred or million (dare to dream)..

In an attempt to try something new I tried to start a new blog quite similar to the old Buzzmunky's munkey cage and then after one entry decided I didn't like it because it was too much like that site.. So I decided to try to have sort of an evolution here, to change gradually to a different blog idea here.. Same as with my Youtube site where I am adding my favorite scenes from shows I like, pushing my luck with being shut down there.. I won't add full shows, just short clips and hopefully I will stay within some sort of guideline for copy write infringement.. Probably I won't as others are able to load entire shows or longer pieces..

Another "new" idea is to have more pictures on the site.. I used to get these and then eventually send an email out to different people, but I stopped that because I ... just .. stopped.. Strangely enough while thinking about why I stopped it occurred to me that that is the reason.. I just did stop, not that it wasn't fun to do but because I stopped.. So having more pictures like the ones in the previous entries and todays with little blurb things and all will be more the norm..
A possible 'nother idea will be a change in the way of the layout.. The blue polkadot thing.. is fine but I might give another layout a look and try.. See how it might be to try.. I don't know, might give it a go for a bit then switch back or try another one.. Don't know...

I just had some ribs and thought about one of the few times I had some.. It was down in Glenwood Springs and we usually went down there about Memorial day weekend, that was about grandmas birthday, and she would take everyone out for supper.. And my uncle talked me into having some ribs and just about everyone did.. After eating I'll never forget crossing the parking lot with my aunt (Toad) and she said lets go, something to the effect of "we're off like a turd of hurdles".. I hadn't ever heard that one before her but have since a few times.. Those were the times though.. The one time we went down and the part of the family that still got along (everyone but Ben, go figure) would be there.. I remember shooting video at one of the get togethers as they planted flowers in the different flower beds, again nothing super special, nothing incredible happened.. We just all got together and had a little birthday party.. The good old days..
The day we went to Salina Utah to help Toad move into a rest home was the last time the entire clan got together.. Uncle Bob, Ben, Nene (Paul), Toad (Paulene) and mom.. Who knew that a year later Toad would pass away?? Time flies, and boy can I ever see it now.. I think if I were to blame the clock seeming to be flying it would be having Ian around and watching him grow up.. And when Tabitha has her twins the clock may just go out of control completely...

Now it is time for everyone to get over it.. Mom was telling me a few years back how great she thought it was that we all got along so well.. We weren't a really close family but we could tolerate each other when we were in the same room.. There wasn't this cloud of ... whatever hanging in the air.. The two parties that have issues need to talk it out or there will never be the "big happy family (getting bigger by the ...)"... You know it's like every time some blow up happens there is a period of waiting for someone to forget.. Well there may not be enough time to wait this time.. Shit.. Figure out a way... GET OVER IT.. PEOPLE..