Monday, April 30, 2012


 As I said I added a lot of RSS feeds and have now gotten a good majority placed in related (?) folders for viewing as I need to.. Truth is more than likely I won't look at 90% of them because i do seem to look at the same twenty or thirty only... Why have so many then??  It's the potential I guess.. The idea that I might need to see "that" ... be the first to see "that".. What is "that"?  Anything that puts me in the know and everyone else catching up.. It is what is so great about Twitter, so much happens and Twitter can be the way to find out about it first.. To me finding out about something should go something like this; See it on Twitter or a social media site such as.. Then look it up more in depth via RSS reader..

There were certain stories that happened recently that I felt good knowing about it sometimes a week before mainstream American media did.. Most people are prone to calling the news here Lamestream media because it has more to do with the Kardasians than anything else and more often than not opens with a story about that tribe of nothing than anything else.. 

Starting tomorrow the first of May...  Hard to believe that it is May already, but it is true.. So what is my favorite spring song??   Sausalito Summer by Diesel.. Steve Czaben will do a special flashback to the seventies to play it soon and that is when you know... It is summer... 

Timing is everything, and this past month has flown by.. The thinking of what to plant and when has been dominant and now as we get close to that day (planting day) I am getting the irrigation system back in order, getting the timers set to go.. Readying the "drill" for planting, wondering when the first hail storm will hit and knock everything back to...  Anyway, the start of the season is shortly and what will get planted?  Pumpkins as promised, sunflowers (the red kind, maybe the mammoth for Lucy and her brother (whichever one comes this fall))  and the Earthbox planter as well as the patio planters.. Five tomatoes (hopefully)  six peppers, other supporting role plants in the salsa idea...

Between Mothers day and Memorial day I plan on getting everything planted..  Then the weather watching begins... 

Mom was saying again today she was worried that the grass wouldn't recover and I told her I  wasn't too overly worried.. Truth is I figured one rain storm of substance would get us grass growing.. And we got it at the end of the week... Now to spray for weeds (dandelions) and make the grass grow.. And then mowing.. You know I usually like to mow and could do it in the hardest of heat but last summer I just hated to mow..

Tree planting:  I want to get any trees transplanted and set by Mothers day, that way the heat shouldn't be that extreme and might still get some rain..  I remember doing dads memorial tree on a day when it was cool out.. on the verge of snow, perfect for transplanting the tree.. In the next few days I hope to move some rogue Aspen trees around, set them in the places where the yellow willows were at.. I had such a great batting average with trees before trying to plant a tree in Bob's yard where apparantly  trees just don't grow.. A black hole for trees I guess and then that seemed to translate  to here as every tree I have tried to get to grow has failed and the worst part is the pride that was dads tree has been weather fucked the past two years, with wind toppling over.. I was able to get it to tie up and grow more strait but the wind nailed it again last year, so it is a bit not strait up and down..


Sunday, April 29, 2012


 This is proof I will download anything.. The "not found my hound" is a 404 message.. You know, the ones you get when something goes awry when looking for something..

I think this one was from something on Bob's facebook...

Getting my RSS reader in order the past few days I have seen stuff that isn't readily available on my "the shit" folder..  What is the shit??  The shit is the folder(s) that I go to for the coolest stuff, and are regularly the ones that yield the most interesting stuff (shit) that I link to on Facebook, twitter, stumbleupon, Google+ and whatever else I get... Emailing has stopped being an option to send things by because I have to do a pacocamamy captchca crap thing to do that..  and even when I get them  right they are wrong so go figure..

And then it rained.. And how, although we didn't get what other towns west did..  We got a little rain.. Altogether we got about a half an inch from Thursday til now..

We were called to duty last night.. We watched the little guy while his parents went to  a dinner party thing.. It was nice but when we got home I knew mom would have troubles walking to the door and she said she was sorry for thinking she was pulling my arm out of the socket.. That's no problem, I'd rather have my arm pulled out of the socket than have her fall... Pull as hard as you want just DON'T FALL DOWN!!


Saturday, April 28, 2012


 You get the feeling the roller coaster ride is about to really kick in??  Here it is the start (nearly the start of) May and everything seems to be shifting into high gear for the Davis lot with both girls and their lives getting ready to kick it in.. Tabitha and Jordan both moving back from the 'stings and Jordan getting married then (or then maybe) Tabitha having her babies....  It's like ice skating on fresh ice.. Lotsa fun at first and then the ice gets warn and by that I mean everybody might have to chill a bit.. It's like the funnel, big at the top and as it gets to the middle it all seems to come together quickly, and I thought of that this morning how back in January how it seemed like August was so far away.. And the days have melted together and it's becoming an acid trip through time and space (echo effect for   effect)  ace  ace   ace... 

LIFE IS SO MUCH MORE FUN WHEN YOU HAVE A DIRTY MIND: I will be with mom in the stores and I will be constantly thinking of things that aren't nesissarily dirty but just thinking of certain things.. Certain things from the shelf, such as pigs feet.. Who eats these and how are they prepared...

Mom was looking at the old picture album yesterday and was trying (ANYTHING) to occupy Ian for a minute and she came across the pictures of the time we were in Las Vegas at this park and Donald was playing (I guess, I can't remember that very much) and I think there was a pond there and I was in my brave period.. Actually I thought how hard could it be to swim and I tried..  Got water up my nose and nearly drown..  Well you know water up the nose feels not fun at all, and so the swimming came to an end right there...  And the pictures of Donald reminded her of the boo.. They have the same build and stuff and from what I can remember, aside from the stuttering, they kind of act the same to a certain degree.. Ian is more stubborn though..

Skootr is ..........  strange to say the least..  She has her moments of shear delight, witha lot of what I can only call cat moments.. We have seen new things a cat can do with this one.. We keep saying she has had more character than any of the other cats.. But maybe it's because things have slowed down a bit that we notice her odd behavior.. Odd to us.. She will wait for me to come out of the bathroom and want to play a sort of peek a boo with her.. Last week I brought something down to put back in the fridge and in the crisper drawers and as I'm putting it in I see a paw reaching in to get me.. So I play with her there..  Just  a kitten.. STILL... 

It's funny how I run out of ideas for things then figure I'll rest on it and see if a new idea hits me..  Well today after working on the reader for all of this past week non stop (it seems) I was in the "BLOGS INTERESTING SHIT" folder and trying to find a way to keep some of the RSS that have smaller number of entries (I decided to unsubscribe to the lower number RSS) and some of these are good, but I can't see any way of keeping them.. A new folder, sure but what to call it??  (Such a delema) And I figured it out, the name would be "BLOGS  SMALL BUT MIGHTY"..  Problem solved..

EASY CD-DA EXTRACTOR: This program has updated three times this month.. Talk about buggy I guess.. Other programs to update: Aurora browser (no kidding, if they don't update weekly it is cause for alarm)..   Foxit reader updated sometime recently as did Sumatra reader.. These two are the superior pdf file readers to the old adobe reader everyone seems to get stuck with because of the adobe name.. I'm finding name software doesn't mean anything anymore..  I'm trying so many new things and ditching the name things.. But Picasa is still tops with Fast stone right there behind it in the picture viewing programs.. Fast stone can look at pictures from external drives and mess with the pictures easier than Picasa can at the moment.. The pictures on the external drives don't have to be loaded on to the computer to be viewed..


Friday, April 27, 2012


So Wednesday I'm bringing the boo home to grandmas house and, I'm not in the biggest hurry to get him here because he can wear his grandma down pretty quick.. Anyway we come down the road a blazin' 50 big miles per hour and cars pass us.. He says you have to pass them.. And I say I will if I can catch them.. He gets upset a little at that but the biggest thing he gets pissed off at me for is he tells me to take that road.. What road is he talking about?? I ask him and he says that road there, the one next to the one I'm on.. so what the rail road   road??  No, what I think he might want is the passing lane, I guess.. So he gets more and more pitorqued at me and I  just keep kinda laughing at him.. The picture of this little girl here reminded me of that day..  GRRR...

The rains they came!!  Finally we got rain today, and might be enough to kick start the grass.. Mom was starting to wonder if I was going to water the lawn and my answer was no, not in April and I didn't give a care that it would mean the grass looks like crap early in May.. I did try the sprinkler on Wednesday to see if they worked and they did..  I really don't care if the grass isn't completely needing to be mowed until the end of June.. Usually I am mister get the grass growing, get it green.. But this year is going to be hot.. A long assed dry as shit summer, a return to the drought of a few years ago..  I think it will be anyway.. 

Four days of constant evaluation on reader and while I got the "blogs" folder whittled down a bit, I started a few more folders.. I started the day with 132 folders and have added about twenty to what I had but the worst part is the blogs folder was mostly moved to a folder called "blogs interesting shit" which is all good and all but didn't get things any closer to being uncluttered.. Then as I was about 95% done with the blogs folder I stopped and loaded a crapload into a folder called "I can has.."  As in the cheezberger sites.. And that was to take ten minutes and it took    .....  Too long.. Why did I do that??  

Tabitha told of the names on her Facebook site.. Jomama and Jobaba, good idea on the names and if they are boys, still good names...


Wednesday, April 25, 2012


 A serious disconnect or lack of thought or too much thought... We are trying to figure it out.. Yesterday when I picked up Ian from preschool something was a little different.. When he left Friday he seemed fine with  a little stammer that seems to define him.. But then Tuesday happened, quite possibly the worst he has ever been and I noticed it right at the start, when I picked him up.. He was having troubles starting sentences, particularly with the letter W  or Y    or is it the word WHY..  He asks so many questions of why or what.. But yesterday was really bad.. We go to the park after picking up grandma and I told her he was worse than in a while.. We got to the park and he wants to walk the walk trail and so we do.. When we get back to the action part of the park he swings for a little while and then I use the heat as an excuse to stop pushing him in the swing and then go over to the table where mom was sitting and then Ian comes over.. He tries to say something and it is pure frustration as we are seeing it on his face.. He can't get the words to form.. He can't start the words.. It is him raising his hand and trying to...    ??

What are you trying to say??  What is it you want??  It is just beyond me and mom both.. She guessed what he needed earlier and as well so did I and we both don't think it is a good idea to interrupt his chain of thought or communication such as it is.. Mom heard of something they are offering at the local education service unit to evaluate children who are having speech troubles.. Mom is afraid the day may come where he gets teased enough that he will give up on trying to talk..  After we left and came home mom said she wanted to talk to either Lucy or Donald about that and the fact that yesterday was so horrible and said she was nearly in tears because she can see the frustration in his eyes.. His expressions of  w   w  w  w w w .. It is just.. he extends his start of words and it is almost to the point where he sounds like he is about to sing it.. Which kind of reminds me of Mel Tillis, country super star from way back.. And he sounds like he is singing the start of the words.. I heard Shaquille O'neil on a radio show recently and he said he stuttered real bad when he was younger and the therapist basically told him to relax, chill out...  

So last night mom calls Donald to tell him about that and basically is leery about interfering or overstepping any boundary..  But the thing I thought would happen is if she told Lucy she would say he'll be alright.. No, he might be alright..  He might out grow this.. But wouldn't it be nice to find out..  Ian is smarter than most kids out there or at the very least a bright little boy.. But having him struggle to communicate is really tough to handle..   So I think Donald agreed with mom and said he noticed early on yesterday that he was a little worse off...  So hopefully either they will get him in there or give us the ok to get him in there.. I don't care how it gets done...

Monday was a headache from hell day, I woke up with one and it stayed with me through the day no matter how I tried to get rid of it... I did some yard work and garden work and really think that with the heat added to my situation I might have over done it a bit... Got a worse headache and felt  crappy that night..    As hot as it was you would think I would have opened a window and gotten a fan going but no.. I think it was because of my head hurting that way.. I couldn't get to sleep, figure I got  about maybe two hours sleep. Dreaded yesterdays doings but as it turns out everything was fine... Isn't that just the way it is though..

This is how we feel with Ian at the stores when he gets one toy.. Then another, swapping the first one out for another..  A few times he gets a really cheap toy but he must know the price of the toy somehow.. I try to do this "you don't need this toy..." mind thing with him but his answer is usually   "yes I do.."  Defeated again..

An evaluation of sorts is on.. While I love using reader to view the web sites I like to view, I added way too many last week.. I think it was an attempt to get a well  rounded perspective of the internet as I see it.. But I wanted a more concise view, compact but still worth the time.. What I ended up with was a ton of bloat.. So after Monday clearing all those added feeds I decided to try to get things back in order.. And so to do that I would not put an entry here until I got control of that.. Time consuming as that is to mess with, and I needed to get a hold of things.. So I let an entry not be done yesterday even though I wanted to (I tried but this wouldn't let me start one and I thought just as well I've got a cluttered up reader to get to.) .. But when yesterday happened I really wanted to get something down about it.. Now I will wait until reader is ready before I post here again....    or not...


Monday, April 23, 2012


 When the temperature hit eighty degrees for the first time I didn't do any yard work at all.. The reason??  You really want me to say it??   It was still March!!  And so although I didn't want to do the lawn last month, I did.. The front anyway and wasn't planning to do the back at all.. We had the people who do lawns do the entire lawn and then today I dethatched parts of the back that look like they won't grow..  Tilled  the "pumpkin" patch (that will be pumpkins again this year, first time in a couple years).. Got the hose out and a head for the triple water system to water that area of the pumpkin patch.. I turned it over and then added the dethatch material to it, incorporated it in and them watered it and found out some of the hose needs mendin'..  So that will be project tomorrow.. Measured to see if the irrigation tubing will work where I was going to put it.. Found out that it won't be long enough so abbreviated the idea.. Saw so many irrigation problems waiting for me this year.. Thankfully nothing will be planted for a while, but it is quickly getting here.. It was just the last of March two days ago it feels like..

The peppers are really looking good, the salsa planter is as well looking good.. I bought extra onion seeds and cilantro for the idea of the planter but as it turns out I think I have enough for the salsa.. Sunflower seeds are the red variety because the look so seriously cool in the fall.. I have talked myself into trying the gigantic sunflowers again but will plant them in the pumpkin patch and NOT anywhere close to the house.. They attract wasps so bad and speaking of wasps.. They were out in force today, in all the places they hang.. I will have to find something to get rid of them.. I think it has been a few years since I have been stung by them, I guess I'm due.. The other day we were in the car and Ian was "talking" to his grandma and I had the windows down.. A wasp flies down and lands on the door right next to me.. I hate wasps but I know Ian would have freaked out if it would have flown towards him so I did a quick strike and thumped it with my hand.. Killed it outright and so all was well in the kingdom of Ian..

I read on Tabitha's facebook that she has the names for the twins picked out.. I put down that I thought she should name them Eanie Meani, Miney Moe just as a lark.. Truth is she should name one after her mom.. The middle name of May or something.. Truth is Freda has Tabitha's best interest at heart but seems to piss her off even if she states an obvious right like the sky is blue...    A great tribute to her would be to name one of them after her mom, but more than likely she will name them something.... odd   ish...  


Sunday, April 22, 2012


 A little self indulgence here for this one, apologies to the Asian readers (you know who you are)..  Umm, This morning we were talking about a few things from the past and a few things that mom talked about riled me a little (A LOT!!).. Mostly she was talking about the local doctors and how when we went to the chiropractor that she was made to feel kinda put down and that lead to discussion about dads doctor the infamous Dorwart, king of the put downs, or that's how mom sees it (and pretty much everyone else).. And that lead to the discussion about that day in October when dad was taken to the emergency room at the hospital and as it turns out Dorwart was on call that night (I guess) as he showed up. Dad wasn't feeling well, in fact he would throw up twice while we were at the hospital before they transferred him to Pouder Valley if Fort Collins... But it was during those hours that Dorwart showed a different side to himself when he helped clean the vomit off of dad..   

We talked about the days following when he was transferred  and that Friday in general as when the doctor came out to talk to us he was asked (by Tabitha I think) when he would be getting out and the doctor was blunt when he said he will be lucky to leave alive..  But the next day when we saw him he was in his own room, looking pretty damn good and, like I have written, I thought well we dodged a bullet this time not knowing that while the infection he had was extremely bad, the heart procedure they did on Monday would decrease his chances of survival to zero.. Thanks docs.. And people wonder why I don't trust them??

A few pictures from my scanned collection, the Conoco station.. We would get bottles of Coke there every now and then on Sundays..  It was the old thing sort of reminds me  a little like going to the DQ now with the boo..

Speaking of the Boo, a picture from his first birthday party.. Remember when this was taken, as just a few days after this mom would have her surgery and never be the same again..I was looking at some of the old pictures from when he was a little guy and just laughed.. I keep thinking how dad would just love this little guy.. Take him to get ice cream.. If he was the way he was he more than likely would be going with me to watch him on the days I watch him.. But it would have been interesting if he would still have been doing that dialysis thing he was doing  ... 

I don't know why I added the old grade school picture here... That place changed a little over the years.. I think when this picture was taken was about three years after the new high school opened or a year after dad came here to teach (I think that is right)..

Finally the picture of dad with me and Ian.. Or rather that is Bob..  They still look a lot alike and I thought they didn't so much anymore..


Saturday, April 21, 2012


 So I started reading the "everything Google" survival guide.. Actually it isn't a survival guide nor is it a single volume book, what I have started is the Google Chrome OS just to see if changing to Google in that way is a good idea.. Truth is I have a lot of questions about letting Google handle everything there is on the internet that I do..  So far just about everything is handled by Google from my homepage to the way I look at the internet via reader... Very rarely do I step outside the Google umbrella    ella    ella   ay   ay ay ay ....  It is.. Is it, rather, worth being in every aspect with Google??  I don't know, I'm looking to switch my browser  to TOR if CISPA  passes..  I hate the idea of trying that browser because then you go with IP addresses to access all the sites and I have a list of the more important site that way but what a hassle man...

We had the nephew yesterday..  He needed something to eat so he and his grandma made some bread and butter.. And when he got that done he wanted them cooked.. I'm not sure if he was talking about putting that in the toaster or what.. Then we went out and ate it on the deck.  A little pick e nic ...

Checking the plants right now there is a great amount of concern that the salsa starter won't yield anything for the Earth box planter...  Because of the plants size and I rather am not sure that these won't grow to yield fruit with end rot on them.. I did start some by seed once before and by August they were producing fruit with end rot.. Another lot of disappointment that year.. At that point however I had a good lot that were store bought and gave a good number of produce..  I don't know that I got an equal amount that I felt I should get..  Yes I know getting 100% is impossible, but getting close to what I feel is what we should get.. Maybe that is impossible as well but at whatever the price per plant I would like close to what I feel is a good return on the investment not only in money spent but also time in weeding and watering or whatever..

What will get planted and where??  The Earthbox  will be the salsa kit garden this year.. I've had tomatoes every year except one and that year I made a huge mistake planting corn.. Not that the corn didn't grow very well I just planted to many seeds for the size area that supported those plants.. There was enough water for all the plants but they overcrowded each other.. You know me, I couldn't thin the plants and so when it came time to thin I couldn't and decided to try and let them grow as is.. What could be the harm?? They all had a great amount of water and thought what was the worst thing that could happen... They didn't develop.. This was an education in making sure there is enough room for everything to grow.. Point taken..

So in the pumpkin patch area this year will be??  Pumpkins.. That's right this year I will try one last time to grow pumpkins.. I am still looking for the variety that I am planning to plant, and am not sure if I should go for size or quantity.. I'd like a big sumbitch but the year I got those to grow everything must have worked out just right.. The last few times I've tried to recapture that magic have been big time failures with each time having the same thing in common, I used the same seeds that I had the year before.. The same from that first year.. And knowing they have some way of making seeds have an expiration date means that all the other times I tried meant that they were destine to fail and they did..

I got seeds for red sunflower variety.. Again there is thought about getting the giant sunflowers this year.. I might get those or some other variety.. No decision on that still.. I got more seeds to plant than I will use again.. This was a month or so ago and I don't know why I did that.. While they are cheap, it's the thought that I was thinking where was I going to plant all this??  Then I remembered I was going to plant another version of the salsa kit in the old cacti planter that hasn't been used for a few years (we forgot (I forgot) to bring it in when it gets cold) so it could be used although I'm not sure if it would support the tomato.. The Roma would be in the center with the peppers being around the outside and further out would be the onions and then near the very edge is the cilantro.. Would that work??  Might try to find out...


Friday, April 20, 2012

98 99 100

 This is posting number 100....  !!!!   ....  And what that means is.. This posting I'm doing not only drunk but also NAKED...  Just joking.. I looked at the very first entry earlier and it said I didn't know what this site would be about or how important it would be, and while it took three years to finally hit the hundred postings mark, it was a quick three years.. From the beginning I posted a lot of stuff, took most of that down and or moved it to my Myspace site and traded out some entries went there some there went here... Tried to use this as a way to work out my frustration with certain issues pertaining to family squabbles and ultimately abandoning that idea because it just seems like the last place to do that.. However stupid it was to use this as that type of thing because it is a  public site, weather it is viewed by two people or a hundred or million (dare to dream).. 

In an attempt to try something new I tried to start a new blog quite similar to the old Buzzmunky's munkey cage and then after one entry decided I didn't like it because it was too much like that site.. So I decided to try to have sort of an evolution here, to change gradually to a different blog idea here.. Same as with my Youtube site where I am adding my favorite scenes from shows I like, pushing my luck with being shut down there.. I won't add full shows, just short clips and hopefully I will stay within some sort of guideline for copy write infringement.. Probably I won't as others are able to load entire shows or longer pieces.. 
Another "new" idea is to have more pictures on the site.. I used to get these and then eventually send an email out to different people, but I stopped that because I ...  just .. stopped.. Strangely enough while thinking about why I stopped it occurred to me that that is the reason.. I just did stop, not that it wasn't fun to do but because I stopped..  So having more pictures like the ones in the previous entries and todays with little blurb things and all will be more the norm..
A possible 'nother idea will be a change in the way of the layout.. The blue polkadot thing.. is fine but I might give another layout a look and try.. See how it might be to try.. I don't know, might give it a go for a bit then switch back or try another one.. Don't know...

I just had some ribs and thought about one of the few times I had some.. It was down in Glenwood Springs and we usually went down there about Memorial day weekend, that was about grandmas birthday, and she would take everyone out for supper.. And my uncle talked me into having some ribs and just about everyone did.. After eating I'll never forget crossing the parking lot with my aunt (Toad)  and she said lets go, something to the effect of "we're off like a turd of hurdles".. I hadn't ever heard that one before her but have since a few times..   Those were the times though.. The one time we went down and the part of the family that still got along (everyone but Ben, go figure) would be there..  I remember shooting video at one of the get togethers as they planted flowers in the different flower beds, again nothing super special, nothing incredible happened.. We just all got together and had a little birthday party.. The good old days..

The day we went to Salina Utah to help Toad move into a rest home was the last time the entire clan got together.. Uncle Bob, Ben, Nene (Paul), Toad (Paulene) and mom.. Who knew that a year later Toad would pass away??  Time flies, and boy can I ever see it now.. I think if I were to blame the clock seeming to be flying it would be having Ian around and watching him grow up.. And  when Tabitha has her twins the clock may just go out of control completely... 

Now it is time for everyone to get over it..  Mom was telling me a few years back how great she thought it was that we all got along so well.. We weren't a really close family but we could tolerate each other when we were in the same room..   There wasn't this cloud of ...  whatever hanging in the air.. The two parties that have issues need to talk it out or there will never be the "big happy family (getting bigger by the ...)"...  You know it's like every time some blow up happens there is a period of waiting for someone to forget.. Well there may not be enough time to wait this time.. Shit..  Figure out a way...  GET OVER IT.. PEOPLE..