When the temperature hit eighty degrees for the first time I didn't do any yard work at all.. The reason?? You really want me to say it?? It was still March!! And so although I didn't want to do the lawn last month, I did.. The front anyway and wasn't planning to do the back at all.. We had the people who do lawns do the entire lawn and then today I dethatched parts of the back that look like they won't grow.. Tilled the "pumpkin" patch (that will be pumpkins again this year, first time in a couple years).. Got the hose out and a head for the triple water system to water that area of the pumpkin patch.. I turned it over and then added the dethatch material to it, incorporated it in and them watered it and found out some of the hose needs mendin'.. So that will be project tomorrow.. Measured to see if the irrigation tubing will work where I was going to put it.. Found out that it won't be long enough so abbreviated the idea.. Saw so many irrigation problems waiting for me this year.. Thankfully nothing will be planted for a while, but it is quickly getting here.. It was just the last of March two days ago it feels like..
The peppers are really looking good, the salsa planter is as well looking good.. I bought extra onion seeds and cilantro for the idea of the planter but as it turns out I think I have enough for the salsa.. Sunflower seeds are the red variety because the look so seriously cool in the fall.. I have talked myself into trying the gigantic sunflowers again but will plant them in the pumpkin patch and NOT anywhere close to the house.. They attract wasps so bad and speaking of wasps.. They were out in force today, in all the places they hang.. I will have to find something to get rid of them.. I think it has been a few years since I have been stung by them, I guess I'm due.. The other day we were in the car and Ian was "talking" to his grandma and I had the windows down.. A wasp flies down and lands on the door right next to me.. I hate wasps but I know Ian would have freaked out if it would have flown towards him so I did a quick strike and thumped it with my hand.. Killed it outright and so all was well in the kingdom of Ian..
I read on Tabitha's facebook that she has the names for the twins picked out.. I put down that I thought she should name them Eanie Meani, Miney Moe just as a lark.. Truth is she should name one after her mom.. The middle name of May or something.. Truth is Freda has Tabitha's best interest at heart but seems to piss her off even if she states an obvious right like the sky is blue... A great tribute to her would be to name one of them after her mom, but more than likely she will name them something.... odd ish...
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