After we went out to get grandma today, I told her that he ate a couple of those snack granola bar things before we went out there and so he probably wasn't hungry enough for lunch.. But when we started to leave he said he wanted lunch.. Normally we get him a happy meal and then go and get ice cream, today we were leaving the first part out and as I made the turn to go get ice cream he said he wanted lunch, and continued saying that until beyond the DQ.. He wanted lunch and so I told him with what he already ate that he would get lunch or ice cream but not both.. He kept saying he wanted lunch and was acting all mad about it which makes me laugh.. He said lunch and so I turned the car around and we went to get a happy meal but as we went by the DQ he changed his mind and now wanted ice cream.. so we got ice cream.. After getting ice cream we got in the car and one thing he hates to do is go home.. Where else can we go?? I didn't hear the first part of the plan as he asked his grandma if we were going to Safeway and she said no.. How about Walmart then?? No.. Oh sure sure we can go to Walmart and he could show her that carrier truck he wanted.. Mom said no and I know better than to go to Walmart just for fun because it quickly becomes a wantfest and denialfest retaliation.. There is a part of me that likes to see his mind work to get what he wants, but being in the store that last time I swore if we never went to a store with him again that it would be fine...
We went to the park after the ice cream and that means playing with any kids there??? No that means me pushing him on the swing.. The dreaded swing, but today it was short lived and he wanted to walk around the pond and I told him to go ask his grandma if she wanted to walk around the pond too, and so we did that with him.. We came up to the crossroads and I thought we were going to the car and he wanted to go towards the train, and I said well run over and look and so he did.. I'm sure he would love to get right next to it but they have it fenced off..
When we left the park we were at an intersection and mom says is that Bob there and I says no it isn't, I was looking at the car in the turning lane and all I could think was except for the cig dangling from his mouth it could be him.. Then I looked back as mom said no in the red pickup and I couldn't tell as it was a ways behind us by this time.. I said I didn't even see the pickup, or notice it.. Which is sad because I was the driver... I thought yikes I wasn't paying attention to that I was looking at the car.. Oh well..
Earlier today when I got the browser started I noticed something, the browser started to the homepage as usual but then went to the Netflix logim screen.. I tried to restart the browser and the same thing happened. Actually the first thing on the browser showed the i-Google homepage as very basic, which it does when I am signed out.. So I thought it was strange so I login and everything seemed fine until that happened with Netflix.. I shut down the browser again and went with Aurora.. When the same thing happened I decided to login and then open i-Google in another tab.. This worked and everything seemed fine as I opened the sites I visit with regularity such as Yahoo (email), twitter, Facebook ... You know the usual suspects and each one needed to be logged in.. all I could think is I got hacked last night and why would that be?? I was after something I had read about that was released by a favorite group and although I have the album twice already the new version was said to be the super bestest of ever.. So I just had to get it.. I found it at a site I don't normally get anything from and originally I said no, and the box popped up to allow the download to commence and I pushed no.. Why should I risk it.. I DON'T KNOW!! Stupid assed dipshit just... So after talking myself into it I shut the program down and restarted it and decided to chance it.. And it wasn't until today that I was thinking could I ever remember having the trouble with the old windows XP computer and why risk it then?? But something inside of me clicks and I just had to get that recording.. By the way I listened to it and compared it to the original, I couldn't hear much difference.. Recorded the next night at a hall across town or however that worked it was almost identical.. Not worth the risk and I won't do that again.... SURE I won't..
"CHEESE IN THE ELEVATOR" A possible name for a future blog??