The end of the world.. Strange to think about, but they have these shows on called "Doomsday Prepers" and such that show what some people do to get ready for the end of the world or what I am guessing is more a gigantic change in the world as everybody knows it.. The assumption is that the world wouldn't completely end or nothing anyone does will matter.. I have thought about what you might need to survive and it would take a few years supply of food and water or the ability to grow the food and filter the water and more than likely life would mean an underground dwelling.. Some sort of concrete bunker such as some people getting a missle silo somewhere and converting it into a living space complete with everything they need to stay alive for an extended period of time. There are pitfalls to everything having to do with that.. There was a guy who makes underground dwellings such as bomb shelters.. It is interesting to think about but in the case of nuclear war, it would be a very long time before life could be on the surface again.. An asteroid or comet strike would be the same without the nuclear fallout.. The difference is another kind of fallout in dirt and debris.. At any rate here's a link to a survival site just in case anyone needs a few things.. : I don't advertise any sites here normally and I don't know from diddly on this site either...
When we were in the store yesterday getting stuff for the weekend I thought of that end of the world or like that movie "The Day After" where the U.S. gets into a nuclear war with Russia and you see the people in the stores buying stuff and I am trying to think what would be a good purchase for that dread of all dreads and you have to think that there might be a chance you could survive the initial blast, then what?? Food and water would be essential.. But would you think that there might be a sign of some sort that there wouldn't be the rush to the stores.. I think a weeks worth of food we have in the house at all times, that's why when a blizzard is forecast we rarely freak out any more... The end of the world, might need more food and water.. and toilet paper for the radiation sickness fun...
And then there is the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE that everyone seems sure that is coming our way.. I've seen so many movies about zombies and crap and it is great entertainment.. The original movie is still the best and truth be told anyone who thinks zombies don't exist just look at your neighbors, and then look at yourself, You wake up in the morning, drive blurry eyed to work.. Do the same crappy assed job, say the same BS and take the same BS and can hardly wait for the weekend and then when the weekend comes you dread Monday when it all starts all over again... BRAINS... BRAINS... BRAINS.. I eat BRAINS.. Here's a link to get away from the oncoming hoards of zombies..:
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