I'm thinking about when the last snow was, and it had to be February.. March was a dry month almost completely.. April will be the beginning of the nasty weather I'm sure since there have been tornadoes within a hundred miles of us over the weekend...
The box "green house" experiment seems to be working as the plants seem to be thriving.. I knew I wanted them transplanted by yesterday at the latest.. Saturday was too windy and Sunday, although the ideal day, was Easter and I would have also had more help than I needed..
Speaking of the little guy, when we were out playing in the sand box thing he was pretending to make an ice cream sundae and he put a cherry on top.. I put a little truck of his up there then he flipped it off of there and put a little bit of sand and called it a cherry.. This isn't that fantastic except for what happened next.. He moves in close and I think he is going to do a "pretend" taste of the ice cream, and in fact he did taste it, literally.. He pulled back with his tongue covered ever so slightly with sand.. I didn't make that big of a deal about it... Maybe I should have because he did it again this time getting a healthy mouthful.. I say healthy mouth full which wasn't a lot but was more than enough for me to make a big deal of.. He starts spitting it out as I ask him what he was thinking.. Then I made him go in and get a glass of water and rinse that out.. I go in and in the kitchen were his dad and grandma and she says well that didn't last long and I start to tell them what he just did and they thought he wanted some ice cream and I tell them no, he just had some out in the sand box.. Then they got it.. It reminded me of when I saw cousin Benny eating an apple there in Moab and dropping it in the sand and then picking it up and eating it.. No big deal.. Errrr..
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