From last Thursdays debacle at walmart:: A mistake is a mistake, we went to walmart to look for a coat for the little guy and he tried one on and he was done.. He didn't want a coat so he heads to the toy section and the first thing he picks out is a guitar.. Grandma is a sucker for letting him have at least something.. This was a toy guitar thing, presets for different sounds and such.. He then finds five other toys in succession each getting cheaper then more expensive then he stumbles across a cash register set and it runs on batteries and isn't running there in the store, that alone is a reason not to buy it in my mind.. However he REALLY NEEEEEEEDS THIS cash register.. "How we can get this?" His favorite saying.. So mom gets it for him.. We get to his house and he plays with it, gets the batteries in it and the bells and whistles work for ten minutes then it stops.. He starts in that we neeeed to go get that guitar.. Pretty soon it's a full blown crying match which tugs at the heart strings of his grandma.. we leave and thinking a night would change him with sleep and all.. The next day I get down there and sure enough first thing out of his mouth is "How we can get the guitar?"... I wasn't ready for that but I almost bet mom that he would say something about that before the day was out... I just didn't think he would say it before I got the door shut getting in Friday morning..
Fast forward to Tuesday and first thing he says to me when I pick him up at his preschool is "How we can get the guitar?".. holy shit.. So we pick up mom and I had already been to walmart earlier and saw the guitar he wanted was not there.. And so mom was trying to prepare the little nut for the possibility that it might not be there.. He looked up and down those aisles where the toys are and I did earlier try to find it but it wasn't there.. They had the "First act" guitars there which are very early model guitar for learning for four year olds.. So he picked one out and got it.. I did see a guitar toy thing that might have been what he might have wanted but I would rather he have a close to the real thing than another toy type.. Anyway long assed story short he has a guitar.. Maybe now he can sleep...
Yeah, writers block hit again, I was hopping it wouldn't.. This time instead of posting shit from other sites I waited until inspiration hit for and entry.. He showed me how to play the drum set and then I tried my part.. I don't think he expected me to know more than he does.. Or maybe he thinks what I did was a fluke.. More than likely.. Dad's the only one who can play the drums.. (Guess where he got the inspiration to play the drums?)