Sunday, January 8, 2012


WHY I USE PICTURES OF ROADS: I think I use pictures of roads and acquire pictures of roads is because I have always had a wish to go.. Go somewhere that isn't here.. I've been to towns that seem like nice places to live but may in fact be nice places to visit.. Recently I was thinking of the year I went with mom & dad to help mom's sister move into a rest home.. That was such a whirlwind trip, we left on Thursday morning, got to Salina Utah, Got her stuff situated on Friday, moved it on Saturday and came back home on Sunday.. There is just something about that time that sticks out in my mind so vivid.. I think it was the fact that this was the first time in well over ten years that mom and all of her brothers were there in the same place... Over ten years.. It took something close to a miracle to get them all together like that.. Within a year my aunt passed away..

WHY I LIKE SUNSETS: Most every one likes a good picture of a sunset.. I like them for about the same reason as above...

Most of the entries here are boring snip its of life like I see it or how things have been, knowing nobody reads this makes me write fairly freely.. There will be a sudden shift of how things will be done now.. I started posting almost exclusively to Google plus the way I was posting to Facebook, a lot of links and things.. That is what I wanted to do towards the end of last year and that is what I wanted to do mostly because I like how G+ works.. I have no followers there but that's ok.. Eventually it won't be important any more and I will stop.. Posting videos to Youtube will continue but posting the links to them on facebook or Google plus will stop.. I got my little brother and his wife in trouble last month when I posted a video of their son singing at his X-mas thing.. My older brother and his wife got their panties in a twist about not being invited although it was a PUBLIC event... So if they really do deem it important to see videos and they look at my site on youtube the way they say they do then they will have to prove it by looking there once in a while..

I refuse to be the scape goat for this or any shit from now on.. There's the phone fucking figure out how to use it.. Stop emailing me "how's mom?" CALL HER... And the shit just hit the span again.. What happens in the oncoming time span is any ones guess.. I won't play a part.. I learned my lesson from X-mas.. I got involved and got kicked for it.. That won't happen again.. I was trying to watch out for mom, the other family wanted what they wanted not thinking this might be going to overwhelm her..IT DID and I knew it would.. I dreaded Christmas this year for that exclusively.. Bob exploded and.. Well another entry for that when I cool off a bit.. Needless to say I have changed the way I view my older brother.. "He was my hero".. That's how that entry will start..


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