A year ago at this time we were all thinking that this was just half over.. The ordeal that was Lucy going to Poland for a six month stint, to get her immigration status settled.. So by just about the end of January we were thinking this is finally half over.. Trouble was the first half, as bad as it was, was nothing as bad as the second half would prove to be.. First of all the greatest program on the computer and what made this event tolerable was Skype, the internet video telephone service.. We didn't even have an account set up until like a month before she left.. We didn't test it out with them being just in Sidney, so the first true test was when they were in Warsaw, three days into the ordeal.. Thinking back at just how hard that was on mom.. I was telling her about it again a few weeks ago and those same emotions were still there.. Being forced to not see her favorite "little man" right now would be unthinkable... Mom is fragile, yet tough.. I guess that can describe anyone really.. But thinking of a year ago I think that last year was just about the better or closest to perfect time for that to have happened, short of her going before she got pregnant.. Because now Ian is in preschool two days a week, learning language skills that are becoming more evident all the time.. Word phrases and expressions that are useful in everyday life.. I watched him the other day and he is so interesting in everything he does.. We went out to get ice cream and me and mom went to the booth to sit down and he stayed up at the counter, one hand on his hip the other on the counter in his "well I'm WAITING" pose.. It was a golden moment.. He looked at me and I said scowl at her.. He doesn't know what that means, best he can muster is a cute little boy stare.. Oh well live and learn...
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