The internet is a great way to access information, sites that have medical info have been key in helping me understand different health issues with different people. Music access via i-tunes and other sites.. Online radio sites, mostly free and then there is the new (to me anyway) I-Google homepage that I discovered early last month and have enjoyed building and making it truly my own unique homepage..
SOPA: The Stop Online Piracy Act bill that I figure will become law by the end of the month even though nobody wants it.. The reason I figure it will be signed into law is because a few years ago when XM radio and Sirius Radio (satellite radio) were trying to "merge" everyone said it wouldn't be allowed because it would be a monopoly, which happens to be true.. And when they were allowed to merge into one I thought one day this will come back to haunt us.. That day is NOW!! The government will sign SOPA into law and screw the internet up for everyone in the world...
Why do I care?? Why do I become active on certain issues such as the pipeline they wanted to bury through the sandhills of our state and as well possibly contaminate the drinking water for eight states.. To me the future is now for us.. If the pipeline were to burst and spill oil into our drinking water it would mean we might have to find an alternate drinking water source.. We have watched people fight over water rights before, it's like trying to take mineral rights away from someone.. It just is next to impossible.. Same with this SOPA bill, The internet is vast super highway of ideas and that I feel is part of what the government wants stopped... Showing what happens when people get together this past year in countries that overthrew their leaders that might be America if the next election is deemed to be tainted in any way.. See Russia latest election results and aftermath for what I mean.. I can see trying to figure out a way to stop the "rogue" sites from being able to be accessed here in America but to ruin the internet in the process.. What a truly American thing to do, ruin the internet here in America and the entire world.. Nuke the net... Basically there are those greedy bastards who know there could be more money to be made on the internet and will go that route to get their money from it.. It will mean a sort of "pay per view" type of thing, on every site including social sites like Facebook that is so enormous at 800 million users if you charged everyone a dollar to use it... Nearly a billion dollars for that alone.. Somebody wants a slice of the internet pie... that slice would seem huge but there is a bigger picture than just that..
Sites like Verizon want to charge five dollars for people to use the internet for paying their bills online.. I figure the reason they want to charge this fee is because people can pay their bills on time and won't send the check by mail eliminating the chance of a late charge, so they have to get that late charge in another way, hey let's charge them for using the internet the way we were intending it to be used.. WHAT FUCKING HYPOCRITES... To encourage people to bank by internet then charge them a penalty for the service... Who thinks these things up thinking here's a good idea, people can't think paying five extra dollars a month is that bad.. Well for one company to do it wouldn't be bad but for everyone to do it and everyone will do it if one does it.. Then it would be too much... So why do such a thing?? To make more $$$$ and that is all.. And when people retaliate they back off, knowing full well they have an alternate plan to screw the money away from people, they already had that figured out before they tried plan B which everyone thinks is plan A.. It's not, they float that plan out there knowing full well people won't like it, they already had that planned..
So what will happen if SOPA passes: When SOPA passes the internet landscape will change and then fluctuate as the rich will own yet another thing.. The poor won't have the internet, but they will own something the rich don't have enough of.. That is votes.. The poor need to get rid of the entire dipshit congress... A full change from the oldest braindead to the younger know nothings.. And pay more attention to what these tards are doing in Washington from now on.. Stay in contact at all turns.. Don't let this type of thing ever happen again..
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