Then a few years later I was working and would have odd dreams, mostly one was about running and jumping off a cliff out north where I drove home a few times every year, a favorite route was north about every three or four times I came home back roads it would be out by this area.. I always thought it might be cool to ride mountain bike out there, but never did.. Why I dreamed this was beyond me.. I was running and came to the cliff, I jumped and landed on the soft sand below not thinking that it might hurt.. It didn't hurt, instead I was engulfed in the sand like jumping into a pool of water only for whatever the reason it was worse and falling into the sand was instant death.. That brought me out of a deep sleep.. Bad enough it would be water (I can't swim) this was sand and it must have been like quicksand or something.. This was around the time my dad was having trouble recovering from a hernia surgery.. The incision kept popping open for who knows how long.. I was busy with work so I wasn't paying that close of attention to things of this nature.. In hindsight I wish I would have.. There was the time we went to Salina Utah to help my aunt move into a rest home, then we got back and an odd dream made me wonder what that was about.. there were a number of odd dreams over the next twenty months, me not knowing but later put the two together.. Every odd dream with a message like that would be tied to events with dad, from his starting dialysis to his breaking his ankle to the week before he passed away.. The one before he passed away was strange..
My little brother had just gotten married in the church and I saw the carpet, the window, the pews and lights.. But nothing else.. Then a few days later dad was in the hospital fighting for his life.. shortly the dream would become reality.. We were back in the church...
When mom went in to have surgery on her sinuses I dreamed about a nasty storm.. I was out on a road north of town and was watching the funnel clouds dancing around but was a safe distance away only to have a surprise storm take me and the car I was in for a ride.. I went into her surgery worrying the entire way.. Mom came away from the initial surgery fine.. Then she did the remainder of the recovery at the local CRAPASSED hospital and that destroyed her inner ears and her balance will never be back the way it was before...
The latest dream was one before Christmas where I saw a bright light, from a square and don't know what this is about.. So I wait and wonder who will be next.. Every time the phone rings I jump.. Will this be....??
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