After getting totally frustrated with Firefox I do what I usually do when I get frustrated, I delete the program.. With the idea most times that I am deleting to try to reinstall later and see if it will fix itself, this time I delete with the idea that this time is for good so I have it remove all traces (passwords and everything).. Big assed stupid mistake.. I no sooner delete it then reacquire it.. But this time from a site that has an earlier version.. How early?? I went to the very first Firefox to see what the difference would be.. I'm not sure I had the very first version of Firefox and it didn't open the i-Google homepage.. Not completely right anyway.. So I delete that and go to C-net to get Firefox but I typed in Mozilla with the hope of getting that Mozilla browser.. They didn't have that, but they did have Aurora , the developers version of Firefox.. so.. I wrote about this already in an earlier entry.. But not about this..
Earlier today I was asked to get a song by mom, and she asked if that store in the mall was still open and I said let me see if I can get it via i-tunes.. And the concept of getting a song this way was beyond her.. She thought I needed a credit card, but it wasn't needed.. So I tried to get the song and when it needed a credit card to pay for it I said no.. Then tried again and held my mouth different and again it did the same screen.. I guess it has been a long time since I got music there and I did my usual freakout.. I tried to get a hold of i-tunes and tried to do a chat thing and when everything failed I did the next best thing.. I deleted i-tunes with the idea that I would NEVER EVER use that again.. Then I thought, I need it to get podcasts and do my music library although it isn't that needed, I don't have an i-pod... After I reacquired i-tunes I Googled my problem and found the answer.. Figures, it was something simple. Again I freaked out without need.. I have to remember I Google things on everything else so why freak out.. Just remember to Google and to word it right.. My first attempt garnered no ideas that were helpful, then I tried to word it a different way and wala.. There was the answer..
Speaking of wording it right... I spent the last few weeks off and on trying to write a response letter to Freda, and every attempt I pushed save to keep the draft and then went back and tried to either edit it or do a complete rewrite and sometimes it was better and other times it was too rambling.. I now have three drafts on seven attempts and all of them are on my myspace site and might eventually end up here.. Or not.. I think the more I let time get between the events of the end of last year (holidays wise) the better.. I think I'd rather just let things heal via time rather than force the issue.. After this past Friday I think things are getting more back to a normal but I doubt it will ever return to how things were before then.. But you never know.. I tried to comment of his daughters Facebook sites but didn't push enter.. I want to but am not sure how I will come off.. I kid around with Ian and think the day is gonna come where he thinks I'm an idiot.. Maybe that day is already here.. But I like to have fun.. maybe he will see that is what I am doing..
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