Went to take care of the nephew Thursday, the Ian escapades or Ianscpades ... First off the weather was nice except there was a wind and we had the "blizzard of the century" bearing down on us, so that was in the back of my mind as I started to watch him.. After picking him up he wants to go to the park, he wants to go anywhere but HOME.. So I take him to the park and just as he is about to exit the car he gets hit with a wind draft and announces it is too windy, let's go home.. we get to his house and watch some blu's clues and then head out to get his grandma at the place she is working.. We get out there and we get set for her to come out.. We watch things going on, there's a truck stop next to us so there are trucks with all sorts of things on their trailers and he asks what this and that is and I can only hazzard a guess.. Then we watch as this little boy pushes the door open from in the store and Ian says "that's my brother" and I say "you think that is your brother hu?" and he says yeah.. I then said well wouldn't that be nice to have a little brother?? And he says yeah.. And I start to tell him to talk to his mom about getting him a brother... He said he will start talking to her about that.. We get back to his house and mom starts to read a book to him, and then he needs another book like it and while his grandma goes and looks for another book in his room he decides to read me the book that his grandma just read to him.. So he starts to tell me the story about whatever it was, and I'm watching him and he is saying this and that and he gets to a page that has a conveyer belt thing on it and he says conveyer belt.. Stuns me that he says that.. He continues on and gets done then reads (tells) the story again and on the same exact page where the conveyer belt is he says it again.. This blows me away, same page, same story plot sort of.. I just watched to see if he would repeat that conveyer belt line.. The rest of the story could have been completely changed and might have boon, I was listening for that conveyer belt line... Anyway sometimes little things like that just floor me.. His use of words like actually and mechanic, and now conveyer belt... Just a step above to me anyway..
Friday (today) is a snow day.. Couldn't make it down to take care of the lil guy.. I was all set to though.. Was listening to the scanner early this morning when a dispatcher for the sheriffs office asked for a snow update and the guy responded we have less than half an inch I thought we didn't get anything and probably won't.. Then I checked the internet and the radar showed what looked like a weakening system.. I looked at all the weather sites, the blizzard warning was canceled.. I though we won't be getting what they say we would.. Got up, got ready to go then checked one last site, the local radio station, checked to see if any schools had been called off figuring to make my mind up with that news.. Every school in the area was cancelled.. And not just the rural schools but the big city school that only cancels when the snow is up to your butt crack.. So that decided it, I wouldn't go it.. I was about to get my coats on and go but thought I'd wait and then after looking at that site I pulled back and decided not to go at all... Guess Lucy will have to watch the boo today.. Darn it.. Hey I do like watching him, he gives great ideas to write about..
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