For the past week or so I've been trying to get my i-Google page set so that when I try to open it with the netbook laptop computer it will open fairly fast and not drag it down or crash it.. Part of that effort has seen me take a good number of the gadgets off via getting those gadgets set to the reader.. Strange how it went from having all those bookmarked on the page to now having them on reader..
Today I was messing with setting up the reader in yet another way to simplify it somewhat and the Firefox browser crashed. Upon trying to get it to start again it wouldn't.. So after trying to get it going a few more times I cut it loose.. I deleted it.. Then I went to a site and got an older version thinking that I would try to start from the very beginning and that meant Firefox 1 ... That's right Firefox ONE.. I'm not sure if I had the very first version of Firefox way back when, but when I got it and started it, it didn't start the homepage.. Didn't start i-Google.. That's not entirely true, it did start but only showed the outline, the header at the top (theme) is the Dark Side of the Moon prism design, and the gadget outlined boxes but none of the gadgets were working.. Too old of version of Firefox?? Then I deleted that version because it wouldn't upgrade to the next version, or the latest.. So after getting rid of that version I went to the site where I got FF 1 and decided (against my better judgement) to get the very latest version of Firefox (Firefox 11 beta 3) hoping that maybe things would work better in beta (usually a giant mistake but I did have the beta version of Chrome and it worked better than the regular release until it crapped out on me).. So I know I have a rule against beta but maybe this will be good.. I don't know..
Then I went to a site where they have programs and typed "Mozilla" thinking I might get the old Mozilla browser I had on the old windows '98 computer, but instead the search brought up "Aurora" and that is the developers version of Firefox, just the version that is being developed for release in a year or even later.. Truely a developers version.. beta times quite a bit more.. it has a box on it to push to let them know that you liked or disliked something on it.. I will run Aurora kinda regular with i-Google as my homepage to help them get it to be better than Firefox 10.0.2 is right now.. and I set the "send confidential info to them" to on to help them.. I figure I could complain all I want when I do it this way...