We went shopping the other day at a store that we thought might have some sales because they are closing out.. It isn't a closing but rather a merger so they weren't having those kinds of sales but did have some good sales going on... Looking at the toy section because the nephew has a birthday coming up in a little over a week.. Problem with getting anything for him is he has a short attention span or something like that.. We aren't sure what the deal is, he plays with a toy for a little while, maybe ten minutes total then gets more.. Biggest problem is he gets a tote box or basket type of thing and dumps all the contents out then plays for five minutes or so then goes and gets another one without picking the first one up.. Mom got him a little (actually fairly big) cardboard house type of thing for him for Christmas and he gets it put together the very first time and it has things on it to color and he wants us to color it because he can't.. and mom does some of it but I don't and tell him that it is his to color as he feels like doing.. I think he wanted it colored that day and completed.. And I told him it is his to color as he feels like doing and that he should do a little here and there.. He throws a fit and wants it colored NOW!! And i tell him to do as he can, and he tells me he can't.. And I just tell him to do it as he can and not to worry he can do a little at a time.. Part of this is from his mom, he seems more ready to give up than to try..
He came to me last week and he had a problem, one of the lights was out on his "bing-bing" (a bing bing is what he started calling the crossing gates of a rail road crossing)... He wanted me to go get another bulb for it NOW!! I was just finishing up something with the computer and needed a couple more minutes before I could go.. He has no concept of time, most little kids don't, and he wanted me to go right then, fairly insistent and I said just a second.. He goes stomping off and when I get done I go and check the bing bing.. I turned the bulb to make sure it hadn't come lose and when it didn't come on I went into the hallway and reached up and got the bag that had the replacement bulbs that I had gotten back in December and got the color I needed and got it replaced.. "I'm so HAPPY now".. One of his favorite things to say when he gets what he wants.. Holly terror when he doesn't..
Today I pick him up from preschool and he wants to go out and wait for his grandma where she works until she gets off.. Trouble with this idea is when we go out there on any other day and have to sit for a short time he starts wanting his grandma and starts singing his phrase "come on grandma.. I neeeeeed grandma" Other phrases as well.. He sees other kids with their parents and sees two boys or whatever config and says I want a brother and I tell him to talk to his mom & dad.. They are the only ones who can get that done.. Maybe someday they will do something but for now..... I guess they think they will be able to turn the clock back and give him a little brother after he gets into grade school or high school.. Just what he will want, a little brother or sister to guard his stuff from.. I know from experience, I had to try to hide my sticks from my little brother so he wouldn't wreck my drum set.. Not that he would have... Just the selfish side of me..
When I play the little boos drums, I wonder what he thinks when I do.. I wonder if he thinks I am just a good guesser at playing.. I wonder if he will ever get that if I had never played the drums that his dad would more than likely have never played them either.... So many dominoes in play there.. Interesting to think about, had I never played, Donald might never have played and all the people he influenced to play might never have played and my older brother might not have pushed his daughter towards the drums.. What a web.. but I got lucky, if you want to call it that, and got to play the instrument I wanted in school.. And everybody had a merry life of noise..
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