This post inspired by Rachel Brooke-Smith (The first part anyway):
I watch my nephew and he is seemingly in motion all the time, constantly doing something.. He is learning all the time which is both interesting to watch and scary at the same time.. Scary in that I am one of his influences.. Scary because I know what I am thinking when I say something but he might not know what I am getting that from.. What I mean by what I say because sometimes what I say can be taken literal and I might be meaning quite the opposite..
Friday was a snow day, it was supposed to be a really nasty storm and had all the makings of a storm like that.. The night before there were blizzard warnings posted, we were set to get some twelve or greater inches of snow with this.. We were at the store getting stocked up and so were a lot of other people.. Went to bed and hoped if it snowed that there would be no question about weather or not to go down Friday morning.. Friday morning I wake up with a com on the scanner asking for a snow update.. They reported less than an inch.. I knew this was in the "burg" as it were, so I figured I would be going in.. I checked the internet and after checking all the weather sites I decided to get ready.. Before going I checked the local radio site for school closures and all the schools were closed.. Couple that with the forecast and I really wasn't wanting to risk it.. Call me crazy... When Lucy called she was put out by the fact that I wasn't coming down.. I was looking out for my own ass on this one.. Besides I'm doing this as a favor to them, they aren't paying ANYTHING.. Not even offering to pay for some of the gas.. So when she acts all put out and pissy then she needs to stop and realize that if I were working anywhere she would have to pay someone to watch him and she would be making only tips at her job.. The wages she makes would be paid to the babysitter or daycare.. So if it is important to make that money, she needs to SHUT... THE FUCK... UP!!!
But this really isn't new.. Her behavior is the same it has always been.. I've ofter said she has no real taste in music, she asks around to see what others are listening to and then if a friend likes something then she will listen and then really dive head and nut right into it. We had one thing in common at the early onset of my brother going out with her.. We both liked Tangerine Dream, and I had (have) a fairly good collection of their music.. But thinking back when I played some of the remixes she couldn't place the song.. I tried a few times, "have you never heard this song?" and then played the song from the album.. Yeah, she heard of it that way but not the remix way.. It was done the same way, main body/theme but she couldn't hear it..
In the beginning of me getting on the computer I needed help from everybody with how to do everything on the computer and the internet.. Lucy knew more than me at that time and she should have, she had been doing computer shit for quite a few years before me.. Forward one year and I was asking her about something and she hadn't a clue how to do that (I'm not sure what it was, something redundant I'm sure) but that is when I started using Google to find all the answers, and left her in the dust.. One of the questions I asked her was which web browser she used.. and she said she didn't use a web browser.. I knew then that she really had no clue how the computer or the internet in general worked..
Lucy is Polish immigrant.. Did I forget to mention that?? Did I forget also to mention that she was an illegal alien when she married my little brother? Did I mention that they had a baby BEFORE she got all that straitened out.. Did say that she tried to manipulate me into lying to get myself workmans comp or disability to try to show that I was essentially hopeless/helpless and thereby helping her cause to move her case along??.. They did manipulate the letters they wrote to ICE to make it sound like I was useless, that they helped mom every day.. She needed their help.. Yep.. Well then all the lies they told did help her get her status cleared up, but thankfully they didn't come and check on things in person or they would have found all the lies or truth stretching..
Last year before she left she made the comment that if she wouldn't have to go she would start trying to have another baby.. But well that will have to wait.. Six months was an eternity but she got back and within three weeks she was pregnant!!! NOT!!! That was just Lucy playing that card she always plays, (feel sorry for me) bullshit.. Donald became a catholic for what I'm not sure.. My older brother says they aren't doing anything to keep from being pregnant but Lucy has become an American in more ways than one.. She wants nothing more than to be working and be away from the little guy..
I was thinking of all the things mom and dad did without when we were growing up.. Dad wanted things I'm sure but he did without.. Family came first and that meant food, a house to be a home... they didn't get anything fantastic, if our shoes matched it was a good thing.. We wore hand me downs, second and third generation wearing the same coat, same shirt.. If my older brother wore it, I wore it, my little brother would wear it.. Just the way it was then.. Not now though.. Oh well I'm not a parent and I never will be.. That is just the way it is...
A bit ranty but oh well....
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