A FEW THINGS TO WRITE ABOUT: Firstly on an earlier entry I wrote about discovering the Google reader and how great it seemed to be.. Truth is it has revolutionized the way I look at the internet, and in that I mean all of the sites I visited via all the links that I had.. Actually have.. I had them at Yahoo then they wanted everyone to get their toolbar to open the bookmarks site.. That was added to the firefox browser and caused it to crash so I already figured they were screwing up their system in this way so I moved all my bookmarks to Google.. Then three months later Google changed the way their bookmarks were searched/stored and I moved them to another site. When I got i-Google as my homepage I added links to it and might have over extended it and slowed the browser loading and causing it to crash if I opened too many tabs.. So I needed something better so when I tried the reader it changed everything.. I can now look at a site and either look at the new entries (things I haven't seen yet since my last visit) or look at the entire site without having to click to go to the next page.. Perpetual.. kind of like Twitter.. The biggest drawback is it made loading cool shit to Google+ easier than loading to Facebook so that it is almost not needed anymore..
We were lucky enough (if you want to call it that) to get to watch Ian Saturday into Sunday and then almost every day this week.. He can really wear on you after a while, I mean I love the little guy madly but he has a certain way about him that can be overwhelming at times.. Cute yes but.. He tends to go from one thing to another in quick succession.. I was in Walmart the other day and walking towards the dairy area and this lady had a kid about the same age (I'm guessing) as Ian and he sounds identical to the Boo.. He was telling his mother I neeeeed that.. Man sounded very farmilier...
I finally finished the Ace Frehley book "No Regrets" today and my main feeling is I believe what he wrote.. The biggest disappointment was the amount of drug use and abuse he did.. Started shortly after the breakthrough album Alive! by KISS and lasted until just before he wrote the book.. I could identify with his experience being in a rock band myself although no where near the success he had.. The drug use in the band I was in startled me a little.. I thought it was kind of a means to an end so I didn't say anything and wouldn't unless it got way out of hand, which while I was there didn't.. Drug use in rock bands must have been like a rite of passage back then. it doesn't seem nearly as bad now with most bands.. The way the book went about how the band was just before he left the first time, then came back, he negotiated a bad deal but decided to go with it for the fans. But when things deteriorated the second time he knew there would be no going back.. He got screwed by Gene more so than Paul.. Gene is such a money whore, and why?? He has enough to retire and spend like no tomorrow.. He keeps doing more things to put the KISS brand on.. I guess when you come to America dirt poor you try to make enough money to buy your way into heaven.. I've read the Gene Simmons book as well and wasn't as impressed as I was with the Ace Frehley book, but I do think you should read them both and hopefully the other two guys will write a book. Then we can all make a comparison as to who is really full of shit...
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