AMERICAN IDLE (spelling wrong for effect): I really don't care for American Idol, I mean I watch it here & there and a lot of people are jumping off of the band wagon left and right this year.. The thinking they were fixing it last year was a joke, but they thought they had fixed it and it was still the ratings juggernaut last year but was still losing ground.. Last year I watched some of the early auditions but it seems to only get good in Hollywood.. Last year I had that Pia Toscano winning the whole thing, her voice was golden.. What lost it for her? She did what the judges wanted to see her do, she sang an upbeat song and that cost her big time.. She still sang very well but alienated her base (I guess) and they voted her off.. Scotty won and stayed the course not doing a rock song but rather staying true to his voice and that is what won it for him.. This year I have watched all of two or three minutes of the auditions.. The same lot comes through, some get ridiculed and some have sad sob stories and others are just plain good.. There are a few things they could change to make the show better.. First off during the auditions let the judges know there are no fence sitters.. None of the "we put you through so do better in Hollywood" shit.. If they are barely good at the auditions they will likely suck in the bigger setting.. Another idea would be that at Hollywood, instead of "group performing" keep them as individual performances.. After all they got there on their own and after group week they will be back to one on one.. How to do that?? Simple, when they go to the audition towns, make it known there can only be 24 from each town total.. Then have the 24 each night and assign a phone number to each person for that night.. And do this for each of the towns.. So if there was six or eight audition towns they have that many nights of shows.. Would people give up their two hour night from FOX?? I think they would. From the 24 from each town you then will have six make it to the finals then vote like they do.. Two nights of performances and then a results show.. So three nights a week still.. Is this confusing??
Another way to figure it is 8 shows of 24 performers.. 192 performers.. Cut that in half and you get 96.. Then do that again four nites with 24 performers.. Cut that in half again and you get 48.. The next week would be four shows with twelve performers, and less of that frantic feel that was there in the other shows because this will be to decide the ultimate 24.. The beginning of the actual contest..
Anyway while that might draw the show out longer it would make the viewing audience feel like they are more involved with picking the contestants than the way it is done now.. And another thing, while Steven Tyler and "J-lo" are viable judges, they need something else.. Maybe a forth.. Or even five judges... It's starting to be a joke the way things are done now, and hardly fair at all.. I guess that's Hollywood..
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