Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Some quick videos, I tried something "new" with the video program that will cut out the need to down convert any videos from now on. All three were set with the video program, a test video situation.. First two are Craig Ferguson from his late show.. The third is Bent, which was a show I really liked but also is more than likely been canceled.. Darn the luck, anyway here is a little bit of my sense of humour..

*And finally :These are Freda's pictures.. The first four or so pictures are fine, and then there were some png files that are really small so they pixilate.. But after that lot there are bigger jpg or jpeg files..  This won't be the final video (this pictures set)  this is just an idea.. Set to a music track so that youtube will send me a "stop that" letter..* 

(* This video was removed because it was being blocked in two countries.. Not a big deal but yesterday it could be seen there, and today it can't so I deleted it before any other country was blocked..  The countries are Japan and Germany.. Go figure hu??  But it was only a test vid anyway so.. ) there.. 

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