Sunday, August 12, 2012

snudya msucil etrny..

I took a chance on uploading the "Shine on" video and at full length it won't go.. So I decided to try to edit it down a little and this is what I ended up with.. Almost the entire of the second half of Shine On You Crazy Diamond.. Everything but the vocals.. I tried to have as much of the second half of the video as I could get.. This is the longest video I have ever sent to Blogger..

The one thing I hate the most is the amount of down convert I have to do to get a video up to Blogger.. On youtube it is the minutes that count as the size of the video and so I could upload a full unconverted video conceivably but it is slightly easier to upload a smaller file there although I try not to.. Here if you watch the video in full screen mode it looks TERRIBLE..  The picture is fuzzy and really sucks.. You have a better visual with the video watching it the postage stamp size that it is and most people with their gadgets, this is big screen watching..

The shine on video or excerpt  was a piece of a video who's full length is more than twice that shown here.. The next video was going to be bigger but got pared down quite a bit when I had an idea hit me right between the numbers.. This was the idea for the start of the Dark Side  Of The Moon concept video that will still happen, but first this idea.. It hit me as I was doing a test video the other day (this is written on Tuesday 8/7) and I tried it on one of those test videos and it looked funky so I tried this idea.. It was the song Any Colour You Like, the third to last song on the album and certain videos pertaining to the concept of that song originally done by Pink Floyd (small bits of it, but still the main idea for this video just the same).. So on this song, or rather the video let's start with the video concept first... The video concept was hashed out with the song Any Colour You Like, but quickly it became quite clear that this wasn't the song I was working on at all.. It started to look more like a full on instrumental piece.. A spacey lot to be sure until I added the effect to it that changed the whole look and feel of the video.. So putting the pieces of the video together took a few hours initially then another idea hit me.. Shorten the video.. I originally it  was going to have the two parts to the song that I used (nearly the entire album, but edited)  From the song Astronomy I moved away from that song and thought Ricochet.. To much editing to do to get the music I wanted and besides it was quite obvious which song I should use...

RUBYCON..  Yes, Rubycon became the song to use.. I could hear it in my head as the parts went together and building the video was easier once the song was chosen.. I have the parts I wanted to use edited already but decided to do it again just to see if I could nail it down again.. Seems like old times but with wavepad just a whole lot easier.. Once the songs were edited and added to the video program I went though and edited the pictures again.. Being positive that I could get more pictures down to the size I was wanting on the music.. Just part one of the masterpiece by Tangerine Dream.. and then it was set... Almost.. The video ran long into part two by just under a minute, so I added enough pictures to make both parts be full.. Then decided to just take part one and make it the soundtrack.. Taking a few pictures out and then making the pictures fit the single track..  this is the final production???  not quite.. I had to add credits and effects and then that was it.. I'll spare those boring details because I'm sure I lost you two paragraphs ago..

Why I named the video "Childhoods end" is beyond me.. There  are or were some pictures that made me think of that name, but it is a strange name to call it no matter the concept..  Which there really isn't  a concept.. I will warn that if you are prone to seizures brought on by lights and or movements of the type you will see here, DON'T WATCH THIS VIDEO.. Also no drugs were used in the concept of this video but I'm sure there could be some used while watching it.. Enjoy!!

I thought I'd toss in the original name sake of Childhoods End, by Pink Floyd, just as a lark of sorts.. This video is by some guy on youtube that threw some video and pictures together (sounds like something I would do) for this video..   Like I said I thought of the name for my video and then after a little while thought maybe to include this song.. Childhoods End from the Obscured By Clouds soundtrack to the movie le Valee..

TIME MACHINE (version 2).. The story, as written on my alternate site, tells it all.. This was the original idea that got scrapped in favor of the longer version.. Trouble is that version will only see the light of day through the dvd pressing (burn) and  won't be uploaded in part or whole anywhere unless I find a site that will allow it (pirate bay??)... This is the video and stills version that was supposed to be the original.. Ditching that idea was tough but reacquiring it wasn't that big of a deal..

Finally there is this little number.. (TO THE EDGE) SPEED OF LIGHT: This one did it for me.. I used a great number of video effects on this one.. The visuals are stunning if you like this kind of thing.. The video is from the 2001 A Space Odyssey movie. the part where the guy goes through the black hole.. Here it is used for a light speed simulation with the song Astral Voyager (not vayager as it says at the end of the video) .. Yes it got tagged right of way on the 'tube but not right off for the music but rather the video portion as Warner Bro. is the owner of the movie rights.. I think TD owns the music... I did down convert "Time Machine" and "Speed of Light" but not as small as any of the previous videos.. This is a step above.. By the way the uncompressed or whatever you want to call it version is on youtube, click the link and push to view in full screen... Much fun..



(P.S.  As I wrote on my other site this video  has taken off on youtube, More than 33 views in 32 hours better than any video I have EVER  uploaded to the 'tube.. A chance to go viral???   Dare to dream... If you watch the Youtube version it is not down converted, it is as close to the original version without being it..  But they should be close, I only down converted a step rather than shinked it to postage stamp size.... turns out both the video and audio were tagged on the Youtube site.. I will leave it on as long as I think it is a good idea to.. It has slowed in hits from doubling each of the first two days  to just a few hits.. Dreams of going viral seem to be getting dashed.. Oh well, never thought it would be easy to get a viral video.. )

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