Sunday, September 16, 2012


An explanation for this video: The music on this video is a clipped version of Fooled Around And Fell In Love, by Elvin Bishop.. I clipped the song for the main reason of using it on the DVD of the wedding.. It wasn't going to be a video but rather.. Well you know the little snipit of music on the dvd menu , both when the dvd first starts and also when it goes to the "scenes".. That music that is on there right now is an eleven second piece of music I thought was kinda cool, and was added just before burning the disc.. I tried a few ideas when doing this, one was Meng Tian by Tangerine Dream and a few other short clips by the same group but I also tried this little snip clip but.. It didn't feel right so I went with the song (clip) that is there.. And the clip that is there, I don't know the groups name.. it was  on an instrumental music disc, and at that the little snip was at the eleven minute mark of a song that lasts fourteen minutes and change (casa orion or something like that) and is as I said eleven seconds.. Tried to clip 11 seconds of this song and just couldn't find that amount so.. There it is then..

This video shouldn't qualify as a music video today because there is no music on it.. Not a stitch, but it does have the video of the day it was rather smoky in the "burg" as I called it on the video.. I rarely use this setting on this video but it makes it look kinda different.. I also used the "caption" setting for the first time on this video..  I downloaded  a program yesterday  called Serif movie maker and it was an interesting thing to try to mess with.. Transitional effects are more numerous but I couldn't get it to work worth a crap so I deleted it.. Part of the problem was shortly after I got the very first video on todays entry entry completed I tried this one but the program crashed.. Twice it crashed and the first time it was just the program, the second time it took the computer with it and sent me into a sort of scramble as the B.S.o.D came up.. That scares a lot of people and scares me a bit as well but I checked the update situation and a driver was driverless as it were.. Long story continued bigger it be got fixed and we had to try it out here and here is the video.. Werx fine now..

Color me disappointed on this one; I was hopping this one wouldn't have a video but it does.. When I first got into Marshall Crenshaw I was at work and on break I picked up the entertainment section to look at and they had a new records section and they were reviewing the new best of disc by one Mr. Crenshaw.. I will have to admit, I had never heard of his music and can vaguely remember hearing of the guy.. But that would change a week later when I went to the record store and got that very disc.  The disc is called "This Is Easy" and is a single disc greatest hits set packaged by Rhino records (the greatest record company at doing these type of sets)  and was sold.. I would start to try to get a few of his discs,  some of which were repackaged for compact disc.. This is how I rolled, I would get a best of disc, then a live disc, then I would read about the artist and see which album was his best seller and get it, and then I would check the best of set and see what song I liked most and get the album it came from figuring the artist was so creative that there had to be more great songs than just the one on the best of disc.. Sometimes this worked and sometimes I would get a "this was as good as the disc was" type of feeling..

Michael Stanley was one of those artists that I was hoping to buy every disc by.. Nearly impossible here on the edge of the planet, but I did get the two best of albums and the live album that started it all..   Here is another great song..  He Can't Love You..

Heart was a group my older brother got into and I would eventually start to listen to.. It was their greatest hits double set that I would get way back on senior sneak and included some live and some studio material..   Barracuda is probably their hallmark song..

This next is a video called simply "promotional video" and what it is or was, it was the initial idea for the final credit sequence of the wedding video that I did recently.. The song here is the song that ended up being used for the "Freda's pictures" chapter of the video.. But in this video is the graphics that would be used for parts of the credit sequence.. I tried several songs with this part, this song "Midwinter Night"  and another was "Memory Gospel" and the third was "Pergamon" and "twenty-nine palms" and "Loved by the Sun" all of which were great choices but all were way too long.. I don't sit and watch the credits of any movie and really figured everyone would push menu and switch over to the disc menu and watch chapter 5..  But keeping the final credits short might keep someone watching.. this is the only version that made the delete of all the videos and everything I had set for the big wedding.. Something of note, the video shot took over 11GB of space, the edited files would take over 23GB (the video was edited three separate  times and three different final file forms)..  the end result video is  7.8GB and is still being saved (for now) on a flash drive for any possible extra disc that someone might want.. At least until after the first of the year anyway..

This next one..  What an idea.. I have to say sometimes ideas come at the weirdest times and places.. There were a great number of ideas back in the day that I came up with ideas when at work doing the oddest jobs.. This idea came partially while at the store.. I had the song "Echoes" going through my head before getting to the store and then as I'm waiting to check out the idea of editing the song came to me.. Taking the middle part as the starting point (as is where this video starts at).. Then I came up with the idea to do a "shine on" treatment.. Shine on is my editing down of the classic Pink Floyd track Shine On You Crazy Diamond into the instrumental parts only.. Here with Echoes it was maybe slightly harder but I knew exactly how I wanted it to sound and have heard the song enough times to know exactly where the edits should be.. The editing was done exclusively with the wavepad program but then I wanted  a mix version and Wavepad won't allow that type of behaviour so I had to use Audacity  and figured out how to add a part to a track..

The name "Speed of Echoes" was .. Well it was going to be called speed of light   something extra to set it apart from the (to the edge) version but then the name popped into my mind to call it Speed of Echoes.. Kind of the use of the 2001 video clips and adding the song Echoes to back it.. There is a thought to start the dark side video this way and editing the music this way as well instead of having the songs be as they were written, making them in a mix form of some sort to take the bits of the songs and make them the way I want to to make the concept video I am trying to envision.. I have some parts and visuals as well as stills and the such.. To do the project the way I originally thought about would just be ridiculous figuring there are a lot of people who have used their music to do videos..  I will try a completely different approach to the project..   This is only the start..

Also on the credit sequence I tried something sort of new.. See how I feel about it.. It might be a bit of a stretch but for now, for what goes into the videos, working on the pictures (graphics), audio editing and finding and editing the video as well it feels maybe the right thing to do.. or not but it feels like "VIDEO WERX" sells it short a bit.. Maybe to me for now the way I have it on the credit sequence here might be closer to right.. B,H. e BULLSHIT INC.  Saddle 'er up and give 'er a ride..


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