This made me think of Donald and Lucy and they're new DJ thing they are trying to do.. I'm not sure there are enough people wanting to hear that dub or dance trance thing they like to do but.. There are a lot of tweekers around so more power to them...
I'll vote in this election, the pizza party sign me up!!!
No fireworks pretty much statewide in Colorado, the scene like the one above won't be seen this forth of July, truly a sad summer..
There's a word for this video.. That would be OUCH!!
There's a word for this video.. That would be... HILARIOUS!!
There's a word for this.. FREAKY...
To clarify from yesterdays entry, yes I have started another blog but none of this odd shit will be there, however the original video for the "Goin' Back" project will be loaded there.. I looked at that video today again and I think I did make the right choice on which one to load although it has it's own merits to be seen and it will be shortly there.. And I will link that sight to this one after a few more entries are there which could take a while.. First entry was on Tuesday (I think) and the second one hasn't been thought out yet..
There's a show on one of the cable channels called repo games I think and it is a fairly good show, except the people can't get the easiest questions right.. The other night they did three questions that i thought after the people couldn't get even one question right they should not only have lost their car but their right to drive.. Dumb as a lump.. Stupid as a bag of hammers..
Just watched the final of The Apprentice U.K. and I had no clue who would win this one this year,,Turns out this year was Ricky Martin (not THE Ricky Martin) and it was really close as the head person, Lord Sugar, wavered between the two and nearly went with the risky adventure but in the end he went with the better investment.. Safer investment anyway.. I think the strained economy made the choice for him easier.. I think last years was a better series but I like watching that version over the American version, not just because Trump is a blowhard but mostly because it shows how strategy works in the business setting.. Really interesting show, I might try to load the final show on my Youtube for a short time..
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