Saturday, June 2, 2012


Today is toss your old electronics day here at the pole and we have a truck load of old electronics.. It made me a little sentimental.. Some of the stuff was firsts for me.. My first bigger color tv that lasted twenty plus years and still worked albeit a not so much color or "living" color so much as a zombie like color and shades of if the picture was more than thirty percent in a shade part of a scene then the whole picture was dark.. and if it was the opposite it was still dark.. And an odd greenish hue hence the "zombie" look on everything.. Interesting for a while then it gets old.. Contacted Donald's wife about his old Gateway windows '98 computer and were given the go ahead to toss it.. I have mixed feelings about that too because that was a hand me down computer and was the first computer I ever used.. It was a serious POS  but it made me see how great these are now although they still get hung up  like before, just not like on every little thing..  Asked Bob about an old reel to reel tape deck that was down here.. He said toss it.. I don't know why, it could have been a great boat anchor..   Amongst the other things to be tossed is the very first microwave oven.. This thing is big and HEAVY.. It wasn't the first ever made but it was one of the earlier models.. Grandma bought that for mom & dad way back when.. My first ever vcr a beta no less..  Why beta??  I thought beta was a superior quality ..  blah blah blah..  I think I was hoping beta would at least catch on and hold ground to the more popular vhs.. But it never really did.. It was equal at first but soon lost ground to the vhs machines much the same was blue ray beat out the HDDVD ... And the shear number of vcrs in general blows me away.. I think I counted ten.. TEN   The big 1   0    Ten video cassette recorders.. That if anything shows the true nature of our throw away society now.. I thought of that guy who had the old tv repair shop there in town and when my old beta broke down and I was so hooked on it.. He fixed it, then it went bad again I took it to him and he opened it with me right there and I now knew how to open it and could fix it myself.. And did several times.. But when tvs break down now you just throw it away, buy a new and BETTER and BIGGER one.. Same with anything else.. How many i-pods has Lucy gone through in the past three years??  Probably five.. I'm yet to get one and she has had five or more.. Oh well at least when they break down you don't have to hire a moving team to toss it.. You can toss it in the toilet, almost anyway.. (I think that might be where one ended up although she says it fell in her coffee, I have my doubts about that one)..   Finally the last thing that gets the toss is the old CED disc player and the discs.. This was a video disc like a record type of thing my older brother got the first (trail blazer he was always) and while it was great at first I saw the limits of it when the would stick and skip.. They fell out of favor for the laser disc and then of course the dvd.. I wanted to hold on to this stuff but here a year or two after begging mom to hold on to this old technology I decided that today was long enough.. I looked on e-bay to see what people might be getting for these things and I think if you could stick people with the postage that would be the best way to get rid of these things (the discs).. The player, I tried to play one some 15 year ago and it didn't work then so I doubt that it would work now..  OPEN THO BOMBAY DOORS.. WE'RE TOSSING.. I hope they brought a big assed truck...


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