Monday, June 25, 2012


 Someone had this on their Facebook with one of those "remember these" type of thing, kind of like the Captain Kangaroo thing from a couple entries ago.. These are of course early renditions of Mozarts last symphony.. Lo-Fi at it's best.. From the old drive in theater days.. Could  a brand new drive in theater make a go of it in this day & age??  Could it take old speakers like these and a retro feel to bring back the old drive in, or could it be updated to a now feeling?? 

 I was going through my money from my pocket after my shower today and this dollar had some pinkish colouring on it so I took a closer look at it.. I've heard of this tracking system they do, and I've also heard of a guy who marked a dollar bill in some sort of way and announced that if anyone were to retrieve that dollar bill and hand it over to him that it would be worth a million dollars.. This however is one of those college experiments (I think) where they mark a bill in such a way to have some sort of tracking done.. I thought there was supposed to be a phone number on it but this one doesn't have one on it.. 
 Memories from way back when.. A few years back when I tried to hike up Kendall mountain.. This isn't from there.. I used Google Earth to check the walking trail and see how it would look going to the top.. It is quite a cool jaunt from what I could see. Lucy said she made it to the top and I kinda have to doubt her, even a straight up to the top from where we were would have been a serious climb..    I then took the trail for a spin and it is really hard to judge how incredible it is to be up that high.. I checked out Silverton Mountain and again without a true three dimensional look it was lost on me how great that in fact is..

 FIRE WORKS     And... wait for it.......  M     A   R   T   I   N     F   R  A   S   S     ..   Enough said, say no more..

 The basis for the entirety of the KISS boots..  The earliest are the best sounding.. The rest are Audi quality..

I check the swap shop, the local radio want ads, and this was on there.. I can't make this stuff up..:

  "Hi, my name is ****, *****. I am 18 years old. and i have a 5month old. im looking for a job. I will babysit, clean houses, take care of elderly, just about anything. im a good worker and very patient, have really good people skills! i am also looking for a runnable car. for me and my baby girl so please call me at 3082492760. if i dont anser just leave a voicemail with your name and number. and i do except text messages and i will text you back. the help would be greatly appreciated! thank you for your time!"

 She has good people skills??  I didn't question that, she has a 5 month old baby after all..  She needs a "runnable car"  ?  A runnable car, and I wonder how many points RUNNABLE will garner in Scrabble.. Oh that's right NONE .. Not really a word is it??       That's not the only misspelled words or wrong use of words.. Thankfully you get the gist of what someone means when they write these nearly text type of messages..  
The movie to watch: From the past three delivery from Netflix. all three were very good with Out Of Time being a thriller type (not Friday the 13th thriller)  more of a police officer staying a half step ahead of being caught type of thing..  Then there was Find Me Guilty.. This one was a really good movie.. Check the preview..


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