Thursday, June 21, 2012


After doing the "Everything" video I started to think.. There is a song (medley) on that concert set that when I listen to it, I think of dad.. Every time I listen to the song I think of him.. And the visual of him are so strong. I think of him, what he was like for us (me) growing up..   Today I thought of doing this video with dad as the focal character.. I've done picture type of things but never this way.. The songs are "My Back Pages/Goin Back"  and it is Michael Stanley's vocal that makes these songs that great in my mind.. His delivery.. Anyway unlike the Everything video that was uploaded to Youtube, this was uploaded directly to this site, there will hopefully be no confrontation from what is essentially the same company over this video..

About the video: When I got that other video done, like I said, I wanted another video and it came to me late that Sunday night to try this one.. I slapped the video together Monday in no time but then realized I wasn't happy with the pictures.. I went in search of some and the pictures I had scanned some five or six years ago might be perfect except for one thing, they were still in "collage" form, which is to say I scanned as many as twelve pictures at a time.. So I had to edit them apart using Fast stone.. And when I was nearly done today I remembered some more pictures that I wanted that  we found recently.. Most of them are from his service time but a few are from before that..

If Everything is my favorite Michael Stanley penned song from that album, this set of songs is my favorite songs from this set that he wasn't the writer of.. Still a very good vocal and the feel is what I really like about these songs.. I think this concert was the first or one of the first discs that I listened to after dad passed away..   And so it is with this feeling that I put this video together, I just wish I had the idea in time for Fathers day..


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