Tuesday, May 8, 2012


 First mowing was yesterday and while it was  a perfect day to mow, the lawn was anything but perfect..  If I were to be honest on the condition I would say two. maybe two and a half out of ten, with ten being perfect.. I'll take the blame for it looking horrible.. While mom said we should be watering in April I said I didn't believe in watering in April with the old saying "April showers bring May (heartache) flowers" .. It's why I don't water before May.. And the rain I thought we would get we never did and the rain I thought we would get this past weekend never made it this far.. So I have some catching up to do, but I am still not that worried..

May is the end of school year here and it always meant something different through the years when I was in school.. From the early years through junior high it was a nice reprieve from being hurassed by my classmates.. Then my freshman year in high school, about six weeks before the end of the school year the junior class didn't think my class was getting bothered enough so they took it upon themselves to help the seniors out.. By the time May rolled around the seniors were just ready to get out and leave.. The junior class had a lot of my class' older siblings and that included my brother.. However Bob didn't seem that interested in dolling out that kind of "fun", he was busy with more important things, mainly girls, or more to the point A girlfriend... But the rest of his class made sure we got initiated..

And what was good about it was they didn't pick just one out to nail but rather THE ENTIRE CLASS  or I should say all the boys.. All the boys and Nancy as well.. She didn't want to be left out.. The "big deal" one day was to get dowsed by a big trashcan full of water.. And that was fine it was hot that day and besides water dries out through the afternoon, truth is I wish they could have done that every day..  We got initiated by having to wear burlap sacks and have our shorts filled with shaving cream and cornflakes and eat an onion.. That part  was more torture for the teachers than us, although I really wasn't a fan of eating an onion.. The cornflakes were nasty fun as the day wore on as well but.. It could have been much worse, and now they have stopped that bit of fun and rite of passage... Too risky.. My class was given the option to get out of school a day early or initiate the freshman class.. We chose to initiate the freshmen.. and skipped out a day early as well... Some of us did, some (me) didn't..

It was a weird feeling when I was a junior and was at the creek for a "skating" party at the holiday time and I remembered thinking "shit, I'm a year and a half away from graduating"  scared the hell out of me.. I thought I'd feel happy and excited but it was the complete opposite.. I hated school, or more to the point the class I was in... 


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