Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Yesterday was a truly memorable Memorial day and not necessarily  for a good thing.. We go to the program at the cemetery every year and have since dad passed away and truth is I now wished we had gone before as well.. During the 21 gun salute one of the guys fell after the first shot.. I was video taping this part of the ceremony because I never did before.. When the guy fell I felt that feeling when you see something bad happen..  when it happened I thought ah crap and stopped filming shortly after and will delete that video.. He seemed to be fine but it brings things into perspective.. The reason I wanted this part was I wasn't sure how many more times we would get to see the old guard do this and after that happened I again thought that very thing.. After I got the cord wrapped up that Donald borrowed,  me and mom headed to the car and  as we were walking she told me she about had a heart attack when he fell.. And she was in tears as we reached the car.. An emotional wreck, she was hopping the day was going to go fine with no problems at all.. While Jordan and Adam and his kids were there, nobody mentioned them coming for lunch and I told her not to worry if they come by we have enough burgers and just not to worry we would make do.. Turns out they couldn't stop by, Jordan had to get to work that afternoon..

It was nice to talk to everyone.. Ian was his usual fix it person.. I asked about Tabitha, the missing soldier in the family..She seems to be doing better as she is at least out of the hospital although for how long... That is anyones guess..  Talked to Bob about all sorts of things but I for the life of me can never remember what I want to talk to him about when he is around, and that isn't just this time but literally every time he is around and this dates back to years.. And sometimes when I am lucky enough to remember it's like I blurt it out, so proud to finally remember some mundane shit.. But it seemed important at the time...

Every seven days and change the Dell datasafe reminder pops up to backup my data, and while annoying I think I would rather have that than to have to worry about when the computer was about to shit the bed..

A couple years ago I got this game pack that included two monopoly games, risk and my favorite scrabble.. And I played and do play it a lot.. Well I tried the upper levels and that included the genius level to see  how I might do and against that genius level I stayed close fore two or three turns.. Then the computer played a bingo or two or three.. A bingo is when you clear your seven letter (tile) tray and you earn a bonus fifty points for clearing the tray plus the points from that word which can be seven eight nine or more letters depending on how the words are linked together..   Last week mom told me she played an upper level and used the hint or best play button to see what word should be used and so I did that strategy playing the genius and won.. An empty victory it was but it was so cool to have three bingos in a game and score nearly five  hundred points, when scoring over three hundred is my regular best..

I was talking about the lawn yesterday and again today with mom and while it is patchy good (green) there are areas that just look horrible..  I take full responsibility for the way it looks because I kept saying "but it is March, it will rain in April..  It is April, it will rain sometime soon"  It is nearly June and we have gotten maybe a quarter of an inch of rain since early March.. We are in a drought and so I am relying completely on the sprinklers to water the lawn.. Never had to do this before and I still think the way I am watering is fine with the timer and everything but it makes me wonder.. And how much water is enough and do I keep watering the way I am and am I pouring water down the drain the way I am using it.. Just not sure of anything any more...

The pumpkins are up.. Three or four pumpkins are through the surface and really starting to grow quickly.. When Ian was down yesterday I was going to tell him one of these can be his, hopefully the largest one but just like with anything I'm sure he wouldn't understand that it will be October before they are done and for that matter they might or might not grow, be big or be totally crapped out like the last few years I tried to grow pumpkins. I got a bag of sunflower seeds today  a Russian variety that is supposed to be big.. Eight to twelve foot tall  flowers.. I guess we'll see what we get this time..

I tried the Aurora browser today for the first time in over a month.. It had a update.. A as in singular but since it updated every week I am figuring it updated just to the latest update..

On the subject of computer programs; Last week I tried to do a video clip of a movie I liked and post it to my Youtube site and the program I have been using was Picasa do do this with.. The first clip was just shy of a minute, the other was ten seconds and when I tried to get picasa to do what I had done so many times before, it wouldn't.. I think it had updated so I tried to get an earlier version.. Long story long it took several attempts to get the picasa program to work and when in the end it didn't work, I thought I might try some other program.. But what to try??  Should I go to c-net and browse the programs there or try something I never thought possible.. Try a program already on the computer.. I saw it.. Called   Windows Live Moviemaker.. Could this program actually work??  Long story (even longer) it did.. And best of all when it changed the file format it was to wmv and I tried to upload it to Youtube and it went so fast I thought I figured two things out at one time.. One find a program that can edit video, and two find a file format that can upload to youtube faster than anything I had done before.. I used to convert all my files to avi and never had trouble uploading to youtube but then recently that changed and I couldn't upload a minute video without clearing a fortnight (I always wanted to use that term) to upload it..


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