Friday, May 25, 2012

FRIDAY (GETAWAY DAY) holiday weekend

When we used to go to grandmas house (in Silt) we would leave early Friday morning and make it down there in time for us to go out for supper.. Grandma was an interesting person, when we would go out and eat at her favorite places we would order and she would pay for the dinner.. What was always interesting was while everyone else' food was just right, hers never seemed quite right.. She would send it back any number of times because of this or that being not quite right.. There were times I think they just took it back and let her plate sit on the counter next to the cook for a short time then they brought it back not touching it and it would be fine.. One time we had steak and when they brought it back it was gritty to her.. Well that's how they started doing steaks, they wouldn't clean the grill, and so there were times when it might seem gritty but to me that adds flavor.. To her it was just not right.. She wanted it done right.. I swear she had hers done several times.. Now of course I think of the "special sauce" they might add to the order and think if I get mine and it tastes remotely good then, good nuff then...  I won't send mine back unless I were to not want to eat there at all...

The last time I remember going down there we planted flowers in her flower bed and it again was Memorial weekend (that is when her birthday was) and I video taped that weekend as I regularly did.. The last time I would go down there, I think mom & dad went one more time the next year.. I just thought there would be next year or something and we would all go the next year.. I guess you should never assume there will be a tomorrow..  She would move to Saint George Utah to be with Nene until her dying day...

Still thinking about another (blog) site.. Sometimes it feels like a good idea and other times it feels like why bother just take all the stuff I find and make a nice concise site.. Size doesn't impress me (much).. And it takes a while to get established with regular viewers..

So the drawback of saying "it will rain in April" is that when it didn't the lawn still looks like crap in late May.. I did some sort of fertilizer/weed killer combo a couple weeks ago figuring that will mean the grass will suddenly start growing.. Well still not yet..

Program updates: Easy CD-DA extractor had an update on the 21st and then again today.. The question of why so many updates in a row.. I'm never sure why they do that but I go with the new updates just to be safe.. On moms laptop netbook computer it flashed a message on her the other day stating there was an issue with Skype.. She asked me to look at it and I had told her I got rid of my Skype a little over a year ago.. I said well let's see what we have here and then I said let's try something and before I finished she said should we delete it and I said no, there might be an update that will fix the issue and in fact that is what it was.. So she still has Skype.. I saw where there is another program identical to Skype except that is has the ability to do second party conversations (like some messenger programs) only this is supposed to have up to six in a video conference type of thing.. But it's biggest problem, like Skype, it is FREE.. So nobody I know will use it..


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