Sunday, May 6, 2012


 Yesterdays storm was a surprise situation.. Donald called at around one to ask if mom could watch the boo and shortly after Lucy dropped him off here the all alerts radio went off with a thunderstorm warning at the state line.. mom asked me if there was a problem with the weather and at that moment there wasn't.. It was heading north.. Then the radio went off again and said the storm was intensifying and was now tornadic and was now closer to the free way so that told me that things were getting interesting..

Over the next hour or so the weather radio would go off every five minutes with more weather situations..  Then I saw Lucy type something on Facebook about a tornado warning for them, but it was in fact for the western edge of the county, the sun was still shining here at the eastern edge of the county.. I was trying to view the radar and different weather sites with Aurora browser when it crashed.. Not an entire crash but it wasn't working right so I did a restart, in the middle of hell breaking lose I have to run a restart.. When it didn't restart the way I thought it should I shut it off and turned it back on again.. That sent this computer into having to check disc drives for errors.. IN THE MIDDLE OF HELL BREAKING LOOSE..  Shit, give me a break... 

So fifteen minutes of aggravation from the computer including trying the "great" Opera browser which did, in fact, CRASH.. Full system crash on Opera and that made me happy.. Tried Chrome, gave Chrome the big try and this morning I thought that this was why I tried Firefox last year at this time when the weather was horrible.. So of course I thought Chrome might have a chance to shine and since I have to have my homepage open it didn't stand a chance. Chrome is a great browser but can't handle i-Google in my current form of it.. So I rushed to get Firefox open and get those sites up and running and shortly afterwards had them all open again.. life was good and thankfully the storm petered out.. Went from nasty with two inch diameter hail to literally nothing by the time it got to us.. 

New to the storm watching this year is a new streaming video site operated Reed Timmer and dominators one and two..  Slightly similar to the chase tv sites they also show live GPS movements.. Very interesting to use..  Also new, well not new but the site has added our county to it, is the radio reference site with live scanner for our county.. Quite handy as I used to crank my scanner up to listen to it here on the computer, it is nice to have it here on the computer although a ten second delay due to the lag from getting it to sending the signal via internets..  The internets..  Pretty much everything else is the same as last year with all the weather sites being the same..

Mom is trying to play her scrabble game the way I do, with a timer.. I set it to thirty seconds per turn for me and ten for the computer.. That might sound like cheating on the computer but it takes less that two seconds per turn no matter how much time you give it.. And thirty for me??  Well it takes a few seconds to load the letters to the board.. It changes the way you play scrabble.. You pay attention to the entire board all the time.. It has gotten to where I don't feel rushed anymore.. And seems like a nice leisurely game although it takes less than ten minutes to play..

The reason I video taped this was because up til earlier this spring (or late winter, it's easy to confuse them since winter was a month long this year) this was just a deep ditch type of thing.. I thought it was a character site, kind of like most towns have a tree lot.. We had a tree lot here in the town i am in and then they cut it down, took all the trees out.. Kind of disappointing but there you go.. I had seen the ditch on the other side of the street from this was eroding from all the flood type rains they get every year and while they may not get squat in rain this year they normally get at least two or three make your way to the ark type of rains..  This area is now strange because what was once an interesting hike through a really deep ditch is now a quick walk across what is now an ally..  Less character but also less chance of a sink hole developing I guess.. 

I should give credit for this one.. From the Christina Scabbia Twitter site.. I've become a big fan of her band, Lacuna Coil and in fact their latest album doesn't have a bum track on it : 


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