Friday, March 30, 2012


It's hard to believe and almost as hard to say that I dread Fridays..  I don't know why.. I think the days leading up to Friday are the worst part and then Friday happens and it could all go to hell but never does, but I'm sure it will.. Went to watch the bear (bear junior i.e. Ian) and he starts by watching shows on the tube (what will they call it since it is a flat panel video thing and will be replaced later by the next great invention shortly) and it's Max and Ruby time.. Then a little blu's cloos (not sure how they spell it)   then that horrid big beat band (?) from Nick Jr. and I say horrid because it is just a step above moronic..  But I guess it is fun.. We head to the G's house as we go down the road he wants his window rolled down.. He had  a advert flyer he was going to show his grandma.. I say had because as we were heading down the road he starts to raise it up towards the window and I see this and as I start to say something about "be ca.."  he loses it out the window as the air current grabbed it out of his hand...  Ooops..  Anyone else (his dad or more likely his mom) would have hollered at him.. I just looked at him and shrugged, I guess you won't show grandma that.. He says he'll get another tomorrow..  I think he has that attitude about everything, toys included.. That if he breaks a toy it will get replaced by one just like it tomorrow..

As I'm watching him there at the house I notice him doing what he does with his    uh  hum    postirier and I remembered what I do when I see the cat taking care the business down yonder there and start my "Butts the matter"  "Butts the problem"   "Butts happening"   "Butts the situation"  (see saying Butt instead of what)..  He doesn't get it, pretty much he has the same reaction as the cat...

He has been wanting to play with a yo-yo for the past month or so.. He wanted a yo-yo in his happy meal and mom didn't know where that came from and I told her some show he watches and it could be any of the shows he watches.. I'd like to say he is a natural yo-yoist but he will have to learn over the years.. And the yo-yo I was showing him was a Yomega brand type and it has great play.. I'm not that good at yoing but I like to every now and then.. and everywhere we have gone in the past few years I look in stores for a unique yo, one I've not seen around.. I got a bunch of replacement strings from a toy store that was going out of business a few years ago (actually a fairly long time ago I hope the strings haven't deteriorated into dust)..

It has been interesting though to see him grow up this past year.. I don't think anyone would believe that I watch this little guy.  The weather has been interesting to say the least and anyone who doesn't agree that this has been the mildest winter in a long time needs to trust me when I say it has been.. We went to the park at least one day every month since last April after they got back from Poland..  Even a day this past December that I would have sworn was too cold, it started out at or below zero and when I picked him up at preschool he said we go to the park.. I told him I thought it was too cold but he wanted to go.. It was just under freezing out.. We get to the park at two swings on the swing and he wants to go home.. Of course he wasn't wearing gloves or a heavy coat.. I get that, not wearing a coat, I haven't worn an actual coat in years (before last year it was because I didn't own one, and this past winter it was because it really wasn't that cold)  but he is a little boy and should be told to wear one.. Even when he gets pissy about it..  but..  


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