Monday, April 16, 2012


Out of place, today was out of place and time.. Lucy got called in to work and actually brought Ian up rather than expected us to drop everything and go down and watch him.. And she came up and got him afterwards.. No, there is no snow in the immediate forecast, but watch out  hell may in fact freeze over tonight..

Setting up reader the past few days to take all the sites that are from the same place and have them all in the same folder.. This makes sense now, however the sports folder had some sites in it that are now in the sites that they have the same name of at to...  Um, they are now in like all CBS are together even the sports sites.. That makes some sense to me and also I think it will help me decide what stays and what goes as far as overall RSS feeds are concerned..

Last week I tried to find  standalone reader but gave up when the one I wanted, what I thought was the ultimate, I couldn't find..  Just as with everything it seems like the reader was given up on.. Certain aspects of reader seem redundant if everyone gets Twitter..  The biggest problem I have with Twitter is I now follow a good lot more than I have on Facebook and have a good lot more following me on Twitter than I do on Facebook.. How much more? On Facebook I have a mere 18 people that I am "friends" with.. I quote the friends because some of them I have never met..  On Twitter I follow currently 1248 and have 130 that follow me directly and who knows how many get my tweets, same as with me I get some every now and then that I don't follow and sometimes I see these "rogue" tweets and check what else they have to say and then decide to follow or not..

On a previous entry I mentioned having the Hunger Games trilogy, but as it turns out I didn't get it all.. In fact I nearly got none at all.. No big deal, I was just going to see what the hub bub was about on this series.. It looked interesting was all... On the subject of getting e-books I get on average about five  a day from different sites that have them openly available for general consumption (download) the only trouble I have is it seems I'd rather do anything but look at these things. I am giving myself until Mothers day to do some serious looking at these then it's delete like a crazed lunatic..  I did try to do that but it is really tough because like I have said I want to look at everything I have gotten and really don't think it should be treated willy nilly as it were..   Then again why not. Last night I got the latest German PB and my biggest problem with these magazines is just like the printed version the number of adds in them. There might be 40% or more is adverts.. Gets old really fast, just like the paper ones..

Finally, don't you just hate heroine laced food?   I have always said certain food has got to have something else added to it for me to crave it the way I do.. Case in point, those damn krispie treat things from little Debbie... I ate one, then another and then.. Well a certain amount of embarassment as I go to the local walmart to pick up a couple of boxes.. This happened a few years ago and thankfully I burned out on them and can't hardly stand to eat them at all now.. Then there was some chips at one point and I just couldn't stop eating them, today in fact I had some that were so good I wanted more when I got these finished but thankfully didn't have any..  One time I had a hot pocket thing and then had the second one because the first was so good.. I got sick from that little move, too much of a good thing at once..


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