Thursday, April 12, 2012


So in the reply section of my last entry I said I tried the idea of an alternate blog to put stuff from the internet on and I tried and it wasn't what I wanted.. So I deleted it and won't pursue doing that type of thing..  Instead I will post, as I have been, more on Google plus and Twitter and  nearly none on crapbook..   I keep hearing that people are joining Twitter in great numbers and am glad I joined over a year ago (a few months away from two years)...  Also the settings on G+ are to not send emails to alert for anything being sent to that site, the main reason is because I was getting as many emails as everyone else and I was getting annoyed by that amount and can't imagine anyone else being very happy as well so.. If anyone wants to see what I have on there you can check it.. and if not get a twitter account because I will be posting about the same thing there as the plus.. .

The goal for the E-books file is to be at 6GB.. Have I said that before??  Why was I so obsessed with getting so much?  Truth is I wasn't and also the files are so small they take quite a bit to add up, but add up they do and as I said the cutoff was ten, fifteen, twenty...  Continued to I guess what, infinity??  Even when I told myself no and meant it I would find more new books/magazines to get and look at.. Or the assumption was I would look at them, the intent was to look at them.. Trying to read the books on the laptop was a tough sell, because it was smaller to read.. Reading on the desktop is preferred but there isn't enough time to do that and with several thousand e-books it won't happen.. So I will browse I guess or not bother at all...  By the way saying you are reading the articles in a certain magazine (Playboy) you might get away with in the english version but  in the version from anywhere else in the world won't cut it.. Ok I wanted to see what they would look like from different countries and you would think they are the same women but you would be wrong.. In fact the magazine is completely different, from the women to the articles and of course the adds and they are in that countries language from Russia to Ukraine to Brazil..  I'm not sure the number of countries I have that magazine in but it is quite a few..

Two months or so ago I came across a site that had old Pink Floyd concert promotional stuff (programs and what not)  and then this past Monday I came across a bootleg Kiss concert and got it and in the folder that it had there were some thirty KISS concert programs.. Included was the one I got from their reunion show, and the first ever comic book as well as the very first ever concert program.. Really interesting stuff, and hard to believe a lot of pictures I've never seen before.. 


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